should the changer call the report() functions?
should we add constraints for the simple / advanced functionality to the model? I have to think a bit more about that issue. maybe the contraints can be factored out into another class that corrects then when updating. or we could have different models.. SimplePanorama and AdvancedPanorama.
I think the sensor size should be copied over, but SrcPanoImage doesn't have such a variable yet.
Check for multiple parts. If there is some complex set of links, we may need to merge two parts together.
It should be possible to speed this up by not linking things that have been already linked to something previously linked to the target.
This is quite inefficent, maybe we should store the links as a vector of sets of image numbers for each variable to speed up this? Links / unlinks should all go through the Panorama object, so we could keep track of them easily.
What is the PTGUI special case? What images use the lens created here?
Warn the user when the script links variables in a way not expressable by SrcPanoImage.
Check both ways around. This only checks if points from the smallest numbered image are within the largest numbered image. If the first image is huge compared to the second, then it many points will miss and we might not reach the target even if the second image is contained within the first.
Use only points inside the circle when circular crop is used.