AppBase | |
DocumentData | |
ProgressDisplay | |
DummyProgressDisplay | Dummy progress display, without output |
StreamProgressDisplay | Progress display to print progress reports to a stream |
celeste | |
ContrastFilter | |
GaborFilter | |
GaborJet | |
ImageFile | |
PGMImage | |
Cache | |
head_t | |
QMatrix | |
Kernel | |
Solver | |
SolutionInfo | |
Solver_NU | |
SVC_Q | |
SVR_Q | |
decision_function | |
svm_node | |
svm_problem | |
svm_parameter | |
svm_model | |
tmp | |
deghosting | Implementation of basic routines for deghosting algorithms Copyright (C) 2009 Lukáš Jirkovský |
NoImages | Exception called when there are no input images |
Deghosting | |
ImageTypes | |
ImageTypes< vigra::RGBValue< PixelType > > | |
Khan | |
LogarithmFunctor | Logarithm functor |
LogarithmFunctor< vigra::RGBValue< ComponentType > > | Logarithm functor specialization for RGBValue |
HatFunctor | Functor to apply mexican hat function returns very small values for input near to 0 or 255 |
HatFunctor< vigra::RGBValue< ComponentType > > | Functor to apply mexican hat function returns very small values for input near to 0 or 255 specialization for RGBValue |
NormalizeFunctor | Fuctor to normalize values |
NormalizeFunctor< vigra::RGBValue< ComponentType > > | Fuctor to normalize values specialization for RGBValue |
detail | |
doj | |
alphanum_less | Functor class to compare two objects with the "Alphanum
Algorithm" |
enblend | |
FromPromotePlusFunctorWrapper | |
FormatString | |
hpi | |
python_interface | Class which encapsulates the python interface |
python_arglist | Helper class to generated PyObject from C/C++/hugin classes |
hsi | |
hugin_omp | |
Lock | |
ScopedLock | |
hugin_utils | Namespace for various utils |
TDiff2D | |
ContextSettings | |
HuginBase | Mainly consists of wrapper around the pano tools library, to assist in ressource management and to provide a nicer interface |
Color | |
detail | |
Exiv2Helper | |
LensDB | |
LensDB | Main database class |
Database | |
CropData | |
Distortiondata | |
HFOVData | |
TCAdata | |
Vignettingdata | |
Nona | |
detail | |
SingleImageRemapper | Functor to create a remapped image |
FileRemapper | Functor to create a remapped image, loads image from disk |
RemappedPanoImage | Struct to hold a image state for stitching |
_FuncParams | Parameters for transformation calls Can be just one double, two double, 4 double, a matrix, matrix and a double |
_fDesc | Function descriptor to be executed by exec_function |
SpaceTransform | |
Stitcher | Implements a stitching algorithm |
MultiImageRemapper | Remap a set of images, and store the individual remapped files |
TiffMultiLayerRemapper | Stitch multilayer |
WeightedStitcher | |
ReduceToDifferenceFunctor | Difference reduce functor |
ReduceStitcher | Create a panorama using the reduce operation on all overlapping pixels |
SimpleStitcher | A stitcher without seaming, just copies the images over each other |
StackingBlender | Blend images, by simply stacking them, without soft blending or boundary calculation |
Photometric | |
ResponseTransform | Radiometric transformation, includes exposure, vignetting and white balance |
InvResponseTransform | Radiometric transformation, includes exposure, vignetting and white balance |
PTools | |
Transform | Holds transformations for Image -> Pano and the other way |
PTScriptParsing | |
ImgInfo | |
CalculateCPStatistics | Just some common implementation; probably not so useful |
CalculateCPStatisticsError | |
CalculateCPStatisticsRadial | |
CalculateMeanExposure | |
CalculateOptimalROI | |
CalculateOptimalROIOutside | |
CalculateOptimalScale | |
SetWidthOptimal | |
CalculateImageOverlap | Class for calculating overlap of images |
SortVectorByExposure | |
GraphVisitor | |
RotatePanorama | |
StraightenPanorama | |
TranslatePanorama | |
CalculateFOV | |
CenterHorizontally | |
ComputeImageROI | |
CalculateFitPanorama | |
FitPanorama | |
NonaFileOutputStitcher | This class will use the stitchPanorama function of nona |
PhotometricOptimizer | |
OptimData | |
VarMapping | |
SmartPhotometricOptimizer | |
OptVarSpec | |
PTOptEstimator | Estimator for RANSAC based adjustment of pairwise parameters |
AutoOptimiseVisitor | |
PTOptimizer | |
RANSACOptimizer | Pairwise ransac optimisation |
AutoOptimise | |
SmartOptimizerStub | |
SmartOptimise | |
PanoramaAlgorithm | |
TimeConsumingPanoramaAlgorithm | |
LimitIntensity | Class for storing the limits of an image used by the sampler to exclude too dark or too bright pixel |
PointSampler | |
AllPointSampler | |
RandomPointSampler | |
StitcherAlgorithm | Just a conceptual base class.. |
ImageStitcherAlgorithm | Stitch to file output |
FileOutputStitcherAlgorithm | Stitch to file output |
SmallRemappedImageCache | Class to cache remapped images, loaded from the hugin small image cache |
ImageCache | This is a cache for all the images we use |
Entry | Information about an image inside the cache |
PyramidKey | Get a pyramid image |
Request | Request for an image to load Connect to the ready signal so when the image loads you can respond |
ControlPoint | Control point |
ImageVariable | An ImageVariable stores a value that can be linked to other ImageVariables of the same type |
ConstImageVariableGroup | An ImageVariableGroup is a collection of image variables that can have some shared variable values |
ImageVariableGroup | Same as above, but use a non const panorama |
PTOVariableConverterNoOp | Parent class to anything that aids conversion between PTO file variables and the image variables of SrcPanoImg |
PTOVariableConverterSingle | Object to group conversion functions for PTO format variables of up to three characters representing a single variable in SrcPanoImg |
PTOVariableConverterVectorChar | Object to group conversion functions for PTO format variables representing a std::vector variable in SrcPanoImg, using an identifying first character |
PTOVariableConverterVector | Object to group conversion functions for PTO format variables representing a std::vector variable in SrcPanoImg, using characters stating from 'a' |
PTOVariableConverterFDiff2D | Object to group conversion functions for PTO format variables representing a hugin_utils::FDiff2D variable in SrcPanoImg |
Lens | |
MaskPolygon | Base class, which stores one mask polygon |
PanoramaMemento | Memento class for a Panorama object |
Panorama | Model for a panorama |
PanoramaData | Model for a panorama |
PanoramaObserver | This handler class will receive change events from the Panorama |
PanoramaDataMemento | Memento class for a PanoramaData object |
ManagedPanoramaData | |
PanoramaOptions | Panorama image options |
Variable | Variable has a value and a name |
LinkedVariable | |
LensVariable | A lens variable can be linked |
PrintVar | Functor to print a variable |
BaseSrcPanoImage | Base class containing all the variables, but missing some of the other important functions and with some daft accessors |
SrcPanoImage | All variables of a source image |
ConstStandardImageVariableGroups | Make an ImageVariableGroup for lenses and other common concepts |
StandardImageVariableGroups | |
HuginGraph | |
BreadthFirstSearchVisitor | Abstract base functor for breadth first search in ImageGraph |
ImageGraph | Class to work with images graphs created from a HuginBase::Panorama class it creates a graph based on control points and linked images positions and provides function to work with it |
HuginLensTools | |
LensInfo | Structure to name of lens projections and their ids |
HuginLines | |
VerticalLine | |
InvertedMaskAccessor | |
SingleLine | Single line extracted from image |
HuginQueue | |
detail | |
NormalCommand | Normal command for queue, processing is stopped if an error occurred in program |
OptionalCommand | Optional command for queue, processing of queue is always continued, also if an error occurred |
KDTreeSpace | |
BestMatch | |
HyperRectangle | |
QueueEntry | |
KDTree | |
KDTreeElemInterface | |
lfeat | |
bounded_set | |
BoxFilter | |
SampleSpec | |
CircularKeyPointDescriptor | |
Homography | |
Image | |
KeyPoint | |
KeyPointPtrSort | |
KeyPointDescriptor | Abstract base class for all keypoint descriptors |
KeyPointInsertor | |
KeyPointDetector | |
ImageInfo | |
KeypointWriter | Base class for a keypoint writer |
SIFTFormatWriter | |
DescPerfFormatWriter | |
AutopanoSIFTWriter | |
Math | |
LUT | |
PointMatch | |
PointMatchPtrSort | |
Ransac | |
SieveExtractor | |
Sieve | |
WaveFilter | |
PanoCommand | |
PanoCommand | Base class for all panorama commands |
CommandHistory | A history for Command, provides undo/redo functionality |
GlobalCmdHist | Singleton CommandHistory |
CombinedPanoCommand | PanoCommand to combine other PanoCommands |
NewPanoCmd | Reset the panorama |
AddImagesCmd | Add image(s) to a panorama |
RemoveImageCmd | Remove an image from a panorama |
RemoveImagesCmd | Remove multiple images from a panorama |
UpdateVariablesCmd | Update all variables |
UpdateCPsCmd | Update all control points |
UpdateVariablesCPCmd | Update all variables & control points |
UpdateVariablesCPSetCmd | Update all variables & control points |
UpdateImageVariablesCmd | Update variables of a single image |
UpdateImagesVariablesCmd | Update variables of a group of images |
UpdateVariablesByParseExpression | Update variables by parsing a expression |
UpdateOptimizeVectorCmd | Updates the optimize vector, aka all variables which should be optimized |
UpdateOptimizerSwitchCmd | Update the optimizer master switch |
UpdatePhotometricOptimizerSwitchCmd | Update the photometric optimizer master switch |
SetVariableCmd | Update a single variable, possibly for a group of images |
CenterPanoCmd | Center panorama horizontically |
StraightenPanoCmd | Straighten panorama horizontically |
AddCtrlPointCmd | Add a control point |
AddCtrlPointsCmd | Add multiple control points |
RemoveCtrlPointCmd | Remove a control point |
RemoveCtrlPointsCmd | Remove several control points |
ChangeCtrlPointCmd | Change a control point |
SetActiveImagesCmd | Set active images |
SwapImagesCmd | Swap two images |
MoveImageCmd | Move image from position1 to position2 |
MergePanoCmd | Merge two project files |
UpdateSrcImageCmd | Update source image |
UpdateSrcImagesCmd | Update source images |
SetPanoOptionsCmd | Set the panorama options |
LoadPTProjectCmd | Dump the current project and load a new one |
RotatePanoCmd | Rotate the panorama |
TranslatePanoCmd | Translate the panorama |
UpdateFocalLengthCmd | Update the focal length |
UpdateCropFactorCmd | Update the crop factor |
ChangePartNumberCmd | Switch the part number of an image |
ChangePartImagesLinkingCmd | Change the linking of some variables across parts of an ImageVariableGroup containing some specified images |
LinkLensVarsCmd | Link a set of lens variables for some lens |
NewPartCmd | Make a new part in a ImageVariableGroup for a set of images, given the variables that make up the group |
UpdateMaskForImgCmd | Update mask for given image |
UpdateWhiteBalance | Update global white balance |
ResetToMeanExposure | Reset output exposure to mean exposure of all images |
DistributeImagesCmd | Distributes all images above the sphere, for the assistant |
FileIsNewer | |
wxAddImagesCmd | Add image(s) to a panorama |
wxLoadPTProjectCmd | Dump the current project and load a new one |
wxNewProjectCmd | Start a new project, reset options to values in preferences |
wxApplyTemplateCmd | Apply a template to a panorama object |
wxAddCtrlPointGridCmd | Add a control point |
PanoOperation | |
sortbytime | |
PanoOperation | Base class for different PanoOperations derived classes should overwrite protected PanoOperation::GetInternalCommand to implement the operation |
PanoSingleImageOperation | PanoOperation which works only with one selected image |
PanoMultiImageOperation | PanoOperation with works with at least one image |
AddImageOperation | PanoOperation to add several user selected images to the panorama |
AddImagesSeriesOperation | PanoOperation to add all image in a defined timeinterval to the panorama |
ImageVariablesExpressionOperation | PanoOperation to modify image variables by parsing an expression |
RemoveImageOperation | PanoOperation to remove selected images |
ChangeAnchorImageOperation | PanoOperation to change anchor image |
ChangeColorAnchorImageOperation | PanoOperation to change exposure anchor image |
NewLensOperation | PanoOperation to assign new lens |
ChangeLensOperation | PanoOperation to change lens number |
LoadLensOperation | PanoOperation to load lens from ini file or lens database |
SaveLensOperation | PanoOperation to save lens to ini file or database |
RemoveControlPointsOperation | PanoOperation to remove control points |
CleanControlPointsOperation | PanoOperation to clean control points with statistically method |
ResetOperation | PanoOperation to reset image variables |
CelesteOperation | PanoOperation to clean control points with Celeste |
NewStackOperation | PanoOperation to assign new stack |
ChangeStackOperation | PanoOperation to change lens number |
AssignStacksOperation | PanoOperation to assigns stacks |
Papywizard | |
PapywizardSettings | Class which holds all read settings from a Papywizard xml file |
PapywizardImage | |
PapywizardImportDialog | |
Parser | |
ShuntingYard | |
Operators | Classes for operators on shunting yards operator stack |
OperatorBase | Base class for operator on shunting yards operator stack |
FunctionOperator | Function or unary operator on shunting yards operator stack |
BinaryOperator | Binary operator on stack on shunting yards operator stack |
IfOperator | If operator on operator stack, used only for ':' token |
RPNTokens | Classes for parsed tokens in rpn queue |
TokenBase | Abstract base class |
NumericToken | Single numeric token on rpn queue |
FunctionToken | Unary operator or function on rpn queue |
BinaryToken | Binary operator on rpn stack |
IfToken | If operator on rpn stack |
ParseException | Internal exception class for all errors |
ParseVar | Struct to save parsed variables and optional image numbers |
utils | |
vigra | Implementation of fast vector type with support of linear algebra operations Copyright (C) 2009 Lukáš Jirkovský |
detail | |
threshold_alpha_transform | |
omp | |
AlgTinyVector | Fixed size vector with scalar multiplication and element-wise substraction and addition |
NumericTraits< AlgTinyVector< T, SIZE > > | |
PromoteTraits< RGBValue< T1, R, G, B >, T2 > | |
vigra_ext | |
detail | |
BuildSeed | |
BuildDiff | |
CombineMasks | |
CombineMasksForPoisson | |
EMoR | |
poisson | |
detail | |
FilterEdges | |
MaskGreaterAccessor | |
MaskSmallerAccessor | |
CorrelationResult | Maximum of correlation, position and value |
RotateTransform | Clockwise rotation around a origin point, and a translation afterwards |
FileRAII | Class used for opening files |
ReadFunctorAccessor | This class can be used to apply a function when reading the input image |
WriteFunctorAccessor | This class can be used to apply a function when writing to an image |
SplitVector2Accessor | Define a write only accessor for a virtual Image<TinyVector<Acc1::value_type>, 2> image, which actually consists of two Images |
SplitVectorNAccessor | Split a vector image into a vector and a scalar image |
MergeScalarScalar2VectorAccessor | Merge two scalar images into a vector image |
MergeVectorScalar2VectorAccessor | Merge a vector and a scalar image into a vector image |
ImageSplittingAccessor | An accessor to encapsulate write access to a multiband image, and move divide it into two images |
Multiply | Sample functor that can be used to multiply pixel values with a constant |
ReduceToHDRFunctor | |
Error_GpuNumericTraits_not_specialized_for_this_case | |
GpuNumericTraits | |
interp_nearest | Several classes to calculate interpolator weights, |
interp_bilin | Simple bilinear interpolation |
interp_cubic | Cubic interpolation |
interp_spline16 | Spline16 interpolation |
interp_spline36 | Spline36 interpolation |
interp_spline64 | Spline64 interpolation |
interp_sinc | Sinc interpolation, with variable width |
ImageInterpolator | "wrapper" for efficient interpolation access to an image |
ImageMaskInterpolator | "wrapper" for efficient interpolation access to an image |
InterpolatingAccessor | Interpolation at non-integer positions |
LUTFunctor | Functor to apply a LUT to gray and color images |
InvLUTFunctor | Functor to apply a LUT to gray and color images |
ExposureResponseFunctor | Just apply exposure and response to linear data |
ROIImage | Brief description |
CreateAlphaTiffImage | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< vigra::RGBValue< unsigned char > > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< vigra::RGBValue< short > > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< vigra::RGBValue< unsigned short > > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< vigra::RGBValue< int > > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< vigra::RGBValue< unsigned int > > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< vigra::RGBValue< float > > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< vigra::RGBValue< double > > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< unsigned char > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< short > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< unsigned short > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< int > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< unsigned int > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< float > | |
CreateAlphaTiffImage< double > | |
LUTTraits | |
PointPairT | |
ValueTypeTraits | |
FindComponentsMinMax | |
OverlapSizeCounter | Count pixels that are > 0 in both images |
NestFunctor | Functor to combine two functors: result = f1( f2(v) ) |
MaskPixelCounter | Count pixels that are > 0 in a single image |
PassThroughFunctor | Does nothing |
LinearTransform | |
ApplyLogFunctor | |
ApplyGammaFunctor | |
ApplyGammaFunctor< vigra::UInt16, vigra::UInt8 > | |
VigCorrFlatDivFunctor | |
VigCorrDivFunctor | |
VigCorrFlatAddFunctor | |
VigCorrAddFunctor | |
PolySqDistFunctor | |
DitherFunctor | Dither code taken from enblend and adapted to a standalone functor |
GammaFunctor | |
LinearTransformFunctor | Calculate ret = p * a + b |
wxcode | |
wxTreeListHeaderWindow | |
wxTreeListMainWindow | |
wxTreeListRenameTimer | |
wxEditTextCtrl | |
wxTreeListItemCellAttr | |
wxTreeListItem | |
wxTreeListColumnInfo | |
wxTreeListCtrl | |
wxGraphTools | |
GraphPopupWindow | Simple popup to show graph |
Graph | Help class to draw charts |
A_Polygon | |
AboutDialog | Dialog for about window |
AutoCtrlPointCreator | Base class for control point creators |
AutoPanoKolor | A matcher that uses Alexandres sift matcher |
AutoPanoSift | A matcher that uses Sebastians Nowozin's excellent sift matcher |
AutoPanoSiftMultiRow | A matcher for multi-row panoramas based on an idea by Bruno Postle |
AutoPanoSiftMultiRowStack | A matcher for multi-rows, which considers stacks |
AutoPanoSiftPreAlign | A matcher that uses the align information in the panorama to generate cp between overlapping images |
AutoPanoSiftStack | A matcher that uses Sebastians Nowozin's excellent sift matcher and considers stacks |
AverageStacker | |
Batch | |
BatchDropTarget | Simple class that forward the drop to the mainframe |
BatchFrame | |
BatchIPCConnection | Class for communication between different PTBatcherGUI instances |
BatchIPCServer | Server which implements the communication between different PTBatcherGUI instances (see BatchIPCConnection) |
BatchTaskBarIcon | Class for showing a taskbar/tray icon |
BrowsePTOFilesDialog | Dialog for browsing pto files |
ChangeUserDefinedSequenceDialog | Dialog for changing the user defined sequence |
ChoosyRemapper | A ChoosyRemapper combines the other MeshRemappers and picks which one it deems is best suited for each image |
CPDetectorConfig | Class for storing settings of different control point generators |
CPDetectorDialog | Dialog for input settings of one autopano generator |
CPDetectorSetting | Class, which stores all settings of one cp detector |
CPEditorPanel | Control point editor panel |
CPEditorPanelXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
CPEvent | Events to notify about new point / region / point change |
CPImageCtrl | Brief description |
CPImageCtrlXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
CPImagesComboBox | Owner Drawn ComboBox for showing connected images on CP tab |
CPImagesComboBoxXmlHandler | Xrc handler for CPImagesComboBox |
CPListCtrl | List all control points of this project |
CPListCtrlXmlHandler | Xrc handler for CPImagesComboBox |
CPListFrame | |
CPListItem | Helper class for virtual listview control |
DarkTableRawImport | Special class for Darktable raw import |
DCRawImport | Special class for raw import with dcraw |
DirTraverser | |
DisplayedControlPoint | Helper class to display and manipulate cp in cp tab |
DragTool | Allows the user to change the yaw, pitch and roll of a connected component of images by dragging them in the fast preview |
ParamStore | |
EditOutputIniDialog | Dialog for editing user defined output settings (ini file) |
ExposureResponseFunctor2 | Just apply exposure and response to linear data |
FailedProject | |
FailedProjectsDialog | Dialog for finding panorama in given directory |
FileDropTarget | Simple class that forward the drop to the mainframe |
FilterMask | |
FindPanoDialog | Dialog for finding panorama in given directory |
FindStruct | |
GeneralParameters | |
GenerateSequenceDialog | Dialog for generate panoramas from a sequence of images |
GLOverview | |
GLPanosphereOverviewRenderer | Subclass for the panosphere overview mode |
GLPlaneOverviewRenderer | Subclass for the plane overview mode |
GLPreview | |
GLPreviewFrame | The OpenGL preview frame |
GLPreviewRenderer | Subclass for the preview canvas |
GLRenderer | The renderer handles drawing the opengl scene |
GLViewer | A wxWidget to display the fast preview |
GLwxAuiFloatingFrame | Subclass for a floating frame of the dock manager |
GLwxAuiManager | Customized subclass of the dock manager, created just for the purpose to create a workaround for the bug that exists while using wxAUI and OpenGL the bug is similar to the one described here |
GreatCircleArc | |
LineSegment | |
GreatCircles | Draw great circle arcs in the fast preview |
HDRMergeOptionsDialog | Dialog for reset panorama settings |
HFOVDialog | A dialog for HFOV |
HtmlWindow | Modified wxHtmlWindow for open external links |
HtmlWindowXmlHandler | Xrc handler for HTMLWindow |
huginApp | The application class for hugin |
HuginExecutor | |
HuginSplashScreen | Class for showing splash screen the class wxSplashScreen from wxWidgets does not work correctly for our use case, it closes automatically the window if the user presses a key or does mouse clicks |
iCPApp | |
ImageGroupButtonEventHandler | |
ImageLineList | |
ImageReadyEvent | Resources Definition |
ImagesPanel | Hugin's first panel |
ImagesPanelXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
ImagesTreeCtrl | Main images tree control, used on images and optimizer tabs |
ImagesTreeCtrlXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
ImagesTreeData | |
ImageToogleButtonEventHandler | |
ImageVariableDialog | Dialog for editing image variables |
ImageVariablesExpressionDialog | Dialog for editing expression to change image variables |
img_ev | |
ImgDataRunnable | |
IniParser | A simple parser for ini files, it implements only some basic features |
InputImage | |
KDElemKeyPoint | |
KeyPointVectInsertor | |
LayoutRemapper | Draw undistored images, but with the correct centre position |
LensCalApp | The application class for lens_calibrate_gui |
LensCalFrame | The main window frame |
LensCalImageCtrl | Image previewer for lens calibration GUI |
LensCalImageCtrlXmlHandler | Xrc handler for LensCalImageCtrl |
LoadKeypointsDataRunnable | |
LoadLensDBDialog | Dialog for loading lens parameter from lens database |
LocalizedFileTipProvider | A tip file provider that uses gettext to translate the tips |
MainFrame | The main window frame |
MaskEditorPanel | Mask editor panel |
MaskEditorPanelXmlHandler | Xrc handler for handling mask editor panel |
MaskFiles | |
MaskImageCtrl | Mask editor |
MaskImageCtrlXmlHandler | Xrc handler for mask editor |
MaskLoadDialog | Dialog for loading masks |
MatchDataRunnable | |
Matrix3 | General : Matrix3 is a class for handling 3x3 Matrix manipulation |
MaxStacker | |
MedianStacker | |
MeshManager | A MeshManager handles the graphics system representation of a remapping, by creating OpenGL display lists that draw a remapped image |
MeshInfo | Handles the remapper and a display list for a specific image |
Coord3D | Class to handle a 3D point |
MeshCoords3D | Class to keep data of a single rectangle with texture coordinates |
PanosphereOverviewMeshInfo | Subclass for the panosphere it converts coordinates obtained from an equirectangular projection to 3D coordinates on the sphere |
PlaneOverviewMeshInfo | Subclass for the plane overview mode |
PreviewMeshInfo | Subclass of MeshInfo for the preview It actually does nothing in addition to the base class |
MeshRemapper | An abstract base class for objects that calculate an approximate remap specified by quadrilatrials |
ArrayCoords | A class for exchanging coordinates by value |
Coords | A class for exchanging pointers to coordinates |
MinStacker | |
MyExecDialog | |
MyExecPanel | |
MyPipedProcess | |
MyProcessListener | |
NullTransform | |
OptimData | |
OptimizePanel | Run the optimizer |
OptimizePanelXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
OptimizePhotometricPanel | Run the optimizer |
OptimizePhotometricPanelXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
OutputProjectionInfo | |
OverviewDragTool | |
OverviewOutlinesTool | Class for drawing the outlines of the preview canvas and the crop rectangle in the overview openl scenes it also creates meshes that are used to darken the outside regions it works similarly to the mesh remapper used for the images, with the exception that instead of remapping from image to projection, this needs to remap from projection to another projection |
Rect | Class to represent a single rectangle |
OverviewTool | |
OverviewToolHelper | |
OverviewVisualizationState | |
PanoDetector | |
ImgData | |
MatchData | |
PanoDropTarget | Simple class that forward the drop to the mainframe |
PanoInfo | Class to store some information about a pto file on disc |
PanoOutputDialog | Dialog for setting output parameters for simple user interface |
PanoPanel | Define the pano edit panel |
PanoPanelXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
PanoProperties | |
PanosphereOverviewCameraTool | Tool for the manipulation of the opengl 'camera' properties It handles rotation of the camera position around the panosphere and zooming in/out (i.e |
PanosphereOverviewMeshManager | |
PanosphereOverviewOutlinesTool | |
PanosphereOverviewProjectionGridTool | |
PanosphereOverviewTool | |
PanosphereOverviewToolHelper | |
PanosphereOverviewVisualizationState | |
PanosphereSphereTool | Tool to draw a whiteish transparent sphere for the panosphere |
Parameters | |
ParsedImg | |
PlaneOverviewCameraTool | Tool for manipulation of the opengl 'camera' properties It handles the position of the camera in 3 dimensions |
PlaneOverviewMeshManager | |
PlaneOverviewOutlinesTool | |
PlaneOverviewTool | |
PlaneOverviewToolHelper | |
PlaneOverviewVisualizationState | |
PluginItem | Class for generating plugin menu items |
PosMap | A map from image positions to panorama positions |
PossiblePano | |
PreferencesDialog | Hugin preferences dialog |
PreviewCameraTool | Tool for the manipulation of the opengl 'camera' properties It handles zooming in/out of the main preview window |
PreviewColorPickerTool | The PreviewColorPickerTool allows to select a region in the panorama which should be grey |
PreviewControlPointTool | The PreviewCropTool shows lines between the ends of control points in the fast preview |
PreviewCropTool | Allow the user to change the cropping region by dragging it in the fast preview |
PreviewDifferenceTool | Finds the topmost image underneath the mouse pontier, cancel it's normal drawing, and then subtract it from the rest of the images |
PreviewDragTool | |
PreviewEditCPTool | Tool to delete all cp in a selected rectangle |
PreviewFrame | The image preview frame |
PreviewGuideTool | Draws guide lines over the panorama in fast preview window |
PreviewIdentifyTool | Visually connect the image numbers with the image on the preview |
PreviewLayoutLinesTool | The PreviewLayoutLinesTool handles the lines connecting images in the layout view of the fast preview |
LineDetails | A class to store information about each line that will be drawn |
PreviewMeshManager | |
PreviewPanel | A preview panel that renders the pictures using the panotools library |
PreviewPanelXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
PreviewPanoMaskTool | For projections where the output range is limited, but the approximatly remaped images can extend this, we mask out the off-panorama bits with a stencil |
PreviewProjectionGridTool | |
PreviewTool | |
PreviewToolHelper | |
ProgressReporterDialog | |
ProgressStatusBar | Class for showing a status bar with progress, the progress bar is always in the last field of the statusbar |
Project | |
ProjectionGridTool | Tool to draw a grid to create correspondence between the overview and the preview |
ProjectListBox | |
ProjectListBoxXmlHandler | Xrc handler |
PTBatcherGUI | The application class for hugin_stitch_project |
RangeCompression | |
Ransac | This class implements the Random Sample Consensus (RanSac) framework, a framework for robust parameter estimation |
SubSetIndexComparator | |
RawImport | Base class for implementation of Raw import functions |
RawImportDialog | Dialog for raw import |
RawImportProgress | Dialog class for showing progress of raw import |
Rec | |
ResetDialog | Dialog for reset panorama settings |
RTRawImport | Class for RawTherapee raw import |
Runnable | |
RunStitchFrame | |
RunStitchPanel | |
SaveLensDBDialog | Dialog for saving lens parameter into lens database |
ScaleFunctor | Functor to scale image on the fly during other operations |
SelectAspectRatioDialog | |
SieveExtractorKP | |
SieveExtractorMatch | |
SigmaMeanStacker | |
SortFilename | |
SortImageVectorEV | |
SortVectorByExposure | |
SplitButton | |
SplitButtonXmlHandler | Xrc handler for split button |
stack_img | |
stitchApp | The application class for hugin_stitch_project |
TaskBarBalloon | Class to show a taskbar balloon |
TestCode | |
TexCoordRemapper | |
TextKillFocusHandler | Handle EVT_KILL_FOCUS and convert it to a EVT_TEXT_ENTER event |
TextureManager | |
TextureInfo | |
TextureKey | |
ThreadImage | Helper class to transfer thumbnail data from worker thread to GUI thread |
ThumbnailThread | Background thread to generate thumbnails of all pto files |
Tool | |
ToolHelper | |
Vector3 | General : Vector3 is a class for handling 3D Vectors manipulation |
Vertex | |
VertexCoordRemapper | |
Tree | |
TreeNode | |
ViewState | |
fbool | |
VisualizationState | |
fbool | |
WinsorMeanStacker | |
WriteKeyPointsRunnable | |