celeste | |
training | |
CelesteTrain.cpp | |
CelesteTrain.h | |
Celeste.cpp | |
Celeste.h | |
CelesteGlobals.cpp | |
CelesteGlobals.h | |
ContrastFilter.cpp | |
ContrastFilter.h | |
Gabor.cpp | |
Gabor.h | |
GaborFilter.cpp | |
GaborFilter.h | |
GaborGlobal.h | |
GaborJet.cpp | |
GaborJet.h | |
ImageFile.cpp | |
ImageFile.h | |
Main.cpp | |
PGMImage.cpp | |
PGMImage.h | |
svm.cpp | |
svm.h | |
Utilities.cpp | |
Utilities.h | |
deghosting | |
algtinyvector.h | |
deghosting.cpp | |
deghosting.h | |
deghosting_mask.cpp | |
denoise.h | |
khan.h | |
support.h | |
threshold.h | |
hugin1 | |
base_wx | |
AssistantExecutor.cpp | Implementation of CommandQueue for assistant |
AssistantExecutor.h | Create a CommandQueue for running the assistant using CLI tools |
Command.cpp | |
Command.h | |
CommandHistory.cpp | Implementation of CommandHistory Class |
CommandHistory.h | |
Executor.cpp | Basic classes and function for queuing commands in wxWidgets |
Executor.h | Basic classes and function for queuing commands in wxWidgets |
GraphTools.cpp | Some helper classes for graphes |
GraphTools.h | |
HFOVDialog.cpp | Implementation of HFOVDialog Class |
HFOVDialog.h | |
huginConfig.cpp | Functions for interaction with the hugin configuration file |
huginConfig.h | Functions for interaction with the hugin configuration file |
LensTools.cpp | Some helper classes for working with lenses |
LensTools.h | Some helper classes for graphes |
MyExternalCmdExecDialog.cpp | |
MyExternalCmdExecDialog.h | |
MyProgressDialog.cpp | Implementation of MyProgressDialog Class |
MyProgressDialog.h | |
PanoCommand.cpp | |
PanoCommand.h | |
platform.cpp | Various platfrom specific wxWidgets functions |
platform.h | Implementation of huginApp Class |
PTWXDlg.cpp | |
PTWXDlg.h | |
RunStitchPanel.cpp | |
RunStitchPanel.h | |
StitchingExecutor.cpp | Implementation of CommandQueue creating for stitching engine |
StitchingExecutor.h | Interface of CommandQueue creating for stitching engine |
wxcms.cpp | Implementation of helper function for color managment |
wxcms.h | |
wxImageCache.cpp | Implementation of ImageCache Class |
wxImageCache.h | |
wxLensDB.cpp | Dialogs for loading and saving information from/to lens database |
wxLensDB.h | Dialogs for loading and saving information from/to lens database |
wxPanoCommand.cpp | Implementation of some PanoCommands |
wxPanoCommand.h | Wxwindows specific panorama commands |
wxPlatform.cpp | Implementation of utility function |
wxPlatform.h | Platform/compiler specific stuff |
wxutils.cpp | Implementation of some little utility functions |
wxutils.h | |
calibrate_lens | |
LensCalApp.cpp | Implementation of LensCal application class |
LensCalApp.h | Declaration of application class for lens calibrate application |
LensCalFrame.cpp | Implementation of LensCal main frame class |
LensCalFrame.h | Declaration of LensCal main frame class |
LensCalImageCtrl.cpp | Implementation of preview for lens calibration gui |
LensCalImageCtrl.h | Declaration of preview for lens calibration gui |
LensCalTypes.cpp | Implementation of helper class for LensCal |
LensCalTypes.h | Declaration of helper class for LensCal |
executor | |
hugin_executor.cpp | Program for assistant and stitching execution |
hugin | |
AboutDialog.cpp | Definition of about dialog |
AboutDialog.h | Definition of dialog for numeric transforms |
BrowseDialog.cpp | Implementation of dialog to browse directory with pto files |
BrowseDialog.h | Definition of dialog to browse directory with pto files |
ChangeImageVariableDialog.cpp | Implementation of dialog to edit image variables by parsing an expression |
ChangeImageVariableDialog.h | Definition of dialog to edit image variables by parsing an expression |
ChoosyRemapper.cpp | |
ChoosyRemapper.h | |
config_defaults.h | |
CPDetectorDialog.cpp | Implementation of CPDetectorDialog class, which allows changing options of CP detectors |
CPDetectorDialog.h | Declaration of CPDetectorDialog class, which are for storing and changing settings of different autopano generator |
CPEditorPanel.cpp | Implementation of CPEditorPanel Class |
CPEditorPanel.h | |
CPImageCtrl.cpp | Implementation of CPImageCtrl Class |
CPImageCtrl.h | |
CPImagesComboBox.cpp | Implementation of CPImagesComboBox and CPImagesComboBoxXmlHandler class |
CPImagesComboBox.h | Definition of CPImagesComboBox and CPImagesComboBoxXmlHandler class |
CPListFrame.cpp | Implementation of CPListFrame Class |
CPListFrame.h | |
DragTool.cpp | |
DragTool.h | |
EditOutputIniDialog.cpp | Implementation of dialog for editing user-defined output ini file |
EditOutputIniDialog.h | Definition of dialog for editing user-defined output ini file |
GenerateThumbnail.cpp | |
GenerateThumbnail.h | Generate thumbnail from given pto file |
GLPreviewFrame.cpp | Implementation of GLPreviewFrame Class |
GLPreviewFrame.h | |
GLRenderer.cpp | |
GLRenderer.h | |
GLViewer.cpp | |
GLViewer.h | |
GreatCircles.cpp | Implement GreatCircles class |
GreatCircles.h | Declare GreatCircles class |
GuiLevel.cpp | Definition of helper for GuiLevel |
GuiLevel.h | Declaration of helper for work with different GuiLevels |
HDRMergeOptionDialog.cpp | Implementation of dialog for hdrmerge options |
HDRMergeOptionDialog.h | Definition of dialog for hdrmerge options |
HtmlWindow.cpp | Implementation of HTMLWindow class which supports opening external links in default web browser |
HtmlWindow.h | Definition of HTMLWindow class which supports opening external links in default web browser |
huginApp.cpp | Implementation of huginApp Class |
huginApp.h | |
ImagesPanel.cpp | Implementation of ImagesPanel Class |
ImagesPanel.h | |
ImagesTree.cpp | Implementation of images tree control |
ImagesTree.h | Declaration of main image tree control |
ImageVariableDialog.cpp | Implementation of dialog to edit image variables |
ImageVariableDialog.h | Definition of dialog to edit image variables |
LayoutRemapper.cpp | Implement LayoutRemapper, a remapper to use in the layout mode |
LayoutRemapper.h | Define a remapper to use in the layout mode |
LocalizedFileTipProvider.cpp | FileTipProvider that uses gettext to translate the tips |
LocalizedFileTipProvider.h | |
MainFrame.cpp | Implementation of MainFrame Class |
MainFrame.h | |
MaskEditorPanel.cpp | Implementation of MaskEditorPanel Class |
MaskEditorPanel.h | |
MaskImageCtrl.cpp | Implementation of MaskImageCtrl Class |
MaskImageCtrl.h | |
MaskLoadDialog.cpp | Implementation of mask load dialog |
MaskLoadDialog.h | Definition of mask load dialog |
MeshManager.cpp | |
MeshManager.h | |
MeshRemapper.cpp | |
MeshRemapper.h | |
OptimizePanel.cpp | Implementation of OptimizePanel |
OptimizePanel.h | |
OptimizePhotometricPanel.cpp | Implementation of OptimizePhotometricPanel |
OptimizePhotometricPanel.h | |
OutputProjectionInfo.cpp | |
OutputProjectionInfo.h | |
OverviewCameraTool.cpp | |
OverviewCameraTool.h | |
OverviewOutlinesTool.cpp | |
OverviewOutlinesTool.h | |
PanoOperation.cpp | Implementation of PanoOperation class |
PanoOperation.h | Definition of PanoOperation class |
PanoOutputDialog.cpp | Implementation of PanoOutputDialog class |
PanoOutputDialog.h | Definition of PanoOutputDialog class |
PanoPanel.cpp | Implementation of PanoPanel Class |
PanoPanel.h | |
PanosphereSphereTool.cpp | |
PanosphereSphereTool.h | |
PapywizardImport.cpp | Implementation of read settings from papywizard xml file |
PapywizardImport.h | Read settings from papywizard xml file |
PluginItems.cpp | Reading python plugins metadata |
PluginItems.h | Reading python plugins metadata |
PreferencesDialog.cpp | Implementation of PreferencesDialog Class |
PreferencesDialog.h | |
PreviewCameraTool.cpp | |
PreviewCameraTool.h | |
PreviewColorPickerTool.cpp | |
PreviewColorPickerTool.h | |
PreviewControlPointTool.cpp | |
PreviewControlPointTool.h | |
PreviewCropTool.cpp | |
PreviewCropTool.h | |
PreviewDifferenceTool.cpp | |
PreviewDifferenceTool.h | |
PreviewEditCPTool.cpp | Implementation of ToolHelper for editing control points in the pano space |
PreviewEditCPTool.h | Interface of ToolHelper for deleting control points in the pano space |
PreviewFrame.cpp | Implementation of PreviewFrame Class |
PreviewFrame.h | |
PreviewGuideTool.cpp | Implementation of ToolHelper for drawing guide lines over pano |
PreviewGuideTool.h | Interface to ToolHelper for drawing guide lines over pano |
PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp | |
PreviewIdentifyTool.h | |
PreviewLayoutLinesTool.cpp | |
PreviewLayoutLinesTool.h | |
PreviewPanel.cpp | Implementation of PreviewPanel Class |
PreviewPanel.h | |
PreviewPanoMaskTool.cpp | |
PreviewPanoMaskTool.h | |
ProjectionGridTool.cpp | |
ProjectionGridTool.h | Implementation of PanosphereSphereTool Class |
RawImport.cpp | Implementation of dialog and functions to import RAW images to project file |
RawImport.h | Definition of dialog and functions to import RAW images to project file |
ResetDialog.cpp | Implementation of ResetDialog class |
ResetDialog.h | Definition of ResetDialog class |
SelectCropAspectRatioDialog.cpp | Implementation of dialog for selecting and editing aspect ratios of crop |
SelectCropAspectRatioDialog.h | Definition of dialog for selecting and editing aspect ratios of crop |
SplitButton.cpp | Implementation of a SplitButton |
SplitButton.h | |
TexCoordRemapper.cpp | |
TexCoordRemapper.h | |
TextKillFocusHandler.cpp | Implementation of TextKillFocusHandler Class |
TextKillFocusHandler.h | |
TextureManager.cpp | |
TextureManager.h | |
Tool.cpp | |
Tool.h | |
ToolHelper.cpp | |
ToolHelper.h | |
treelistctrl.cpp | |
treelistctrl.h | |
VertexCoordRemapper.cpp | |
VertexCoordRemapper.h | |
ViewState.cpp | |
ViewState.h | |
icpfind | |
AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp | Implementation of AutoCtrlPointCreator Class |
AutoCtrlPointCreator.h | |
CPDetectorConfig.cpp | Implementation of CPDetectorSetting and CPDetectorConfig classes, which are for storing and changing settings of different CP detectors |
CPDetectorConfig.h | Declaration of CPDetectorSetting and CPDetectorConfig classes, which are for storing and changing settings of different autopano generator |
icpfind.cpp | Program to heuristic detection of control points in panoramas |
icpfind.h | |
ptbatcher | |
Batch.cpp | Batch processor for Hugin |
Batch.h | Batch processor for Hugin |
BatchFrame.cpp | Batch processor for Hugin with GUI |
BatchFrame.h | Batch processor for Hugin with GUI |
BatchTrayIcon.cpp | Declaration of tray/task bar icon for PTBatcherGUI |
BatchTrayIcon.h | Definition of tray/task bar icon for PTBatcherGUI |
ChangeUserDefinedDialog.cpp | |
ChangeUserDefinedDialog.h | |
DirTraverser.h | Batch processor for Hugin |
FailedProjectsDialog.cpp | Implementation of failed projects dialog |
FailedProjectsDialog.h | Definition of failed projects dialog |
FindPanoDialog.cpp | Implementation of dialog to change user defined sequence |
FindPanoDialog.h | Definition of dialog to change user defined sequence |
GenerateSequenceDialog.cpp | Implementation of GenerateSequenceDialog class |
GenerateSequenceDialog.h | Definition of GenerateSequenceDialog class |
ProgressStatusBar.cpp | Declaration of statusbar with progress indicator |
ProgressStatusBar.h | Definition of statusbar with progress indicator |
ProjectArray.cpp | Batch processor for Hugin |
ProjectArray.h | Batch processor for Hugin |
ProjectListBox.cpp | Batch processor for Hugin with GUI |
ProjectListBox.h | Batch processor for Hugin with GUI |
PTBatcherGUI.cpp | Batch processor for Hugin with GUI |
PTBatcherGUI.h | Batch processor for Hugin with GUI |
RunStitchFrame.cpp | Batch processor for Hugin |
RunStitchFrame.h | Stitch a pto project file, with GUI output etc |
stitch_project | |
hugin_stitch_project.cpp | Stitch a pto project file, with GUI output etc |
panoinc.h | Include file for the hugin project |
panoinc_WX.h | Include file for the hugin project |
hugin_base | |
algorithms | |
basic | |
CalculateCPStatistics.cpp | |
CalculateCPStatistics.h | |
CalculateMeanExposure.cpp | |
CalculateMeanExposure.h | |
CalculateOptimalROI.cpp | |
CalculateOptimalROI.h | |
CalculateOptimalScale.cpp | |
CalculateOptimalScale.h | |
CalculateOverlap.cpp | Declaration of class to calculate overlap between different images |
CalculateOverlap.h | Definitions of classes to calculate overlap between different images |
LayerStacks.cpp | Implementation of functions to handle stacks and layers |
LayerStacks.h | Declaration of functions to handle stacks and layers |
RotatePanorama.cpp | |
RotatePanorama.h | |
StraightenPanorama.cpp | |
StraightenPanorama.h | |
TranslatePanorama.cpp | |
TranslatePanorama.h | |
control_points | |
CleanCP.cpp | Algorithms for remove control points by statistic method |
CleanCP.h | Algorithms for remove control points by statistic method |
nona | |
CalculateFOV.cpp | |
CalculateFOV.h | |
CenterHorizontally.cpp | |
CenterHorizontally.h | |
ComputeImageROI.cpp | |
ComputeImageROI.h | |
FitPanorama.cpp | |
FitPanorama.h | |
NonaFileStitcher.cpp | |
NonaFileStitcher.h | |
optimizer | |
ImageGraph.cpp | Implementation of ImageGraph Class |
ImageGraph.h | |
PhotometricOptimizer.cpp | |
PhotometricOptimizer.h | |
PTOptimizer.cpp | !! from PTOptimise.h 1951 |
PTOptimizer.h | !! from PTOptimise.h 1951 |
point_sampler | |
PointSampler.cpp | |
PointSampler.h | |
PanoramaAlgorithm.h | |
StitcherAlgorithm.h | |
appbase | |
DocumentData.h | |
ProgressDisplay.cpp | |
ProgressDisplay.h | |
hugin_math | |
eig_jacobi.cpp | |
eig_jacobi.h | Lu decomposition and linear LMS solver |
hugin_math.cpp | |
hugin_math.h | Misc math function & classes used by other parts of the program |
Matrix3.cpp | |
Matrix3.h | |
Vector3.cpp | |
Vector3.h | |
hugin_utils | |
alphanum.cpp | |
alphanum.h | |
openmp_lock.h | Helper for OpenMP |
platform.h | Platform/compiler specific stuff |
stl_utils.h | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
huginapp | |
CachedImageRemapper.cpp | |
CachedImageRemapper.h | |
ImageCache.cpp | Implementation of ImageCache Class |
ImageCache.h | |
lensdb | |
LensDB.cpp | Implementation of wrapper around function for access to lens database |
LensDB.h | Class to access Hugins camera and lens database |
lines | |
FindLines.cpp | Functions for finding lines |
FindLines.h | Declaration of functions for finding lines |
FindN8Lines.cpp | Implementation of find lines algorithm |
FindN8Lines.h | Declaration of find lines algorithm |
LinesTypes.h | Types definitions for line finding algorithm |
nona | |
ImageRemapper.h | |
RemappedPanoImage.h | Contains functions to transform whole images |
SpaceTransform.cpp | of Space Transformation |
SpaceTransform.h | Implementation of Space Transformation |
Stitcher.cpp | Contains various routines used for stitching panoramas |
Stitcher.h | Contains various routines used for stitching panoramas |
Stitcher1.cpp | |
Stitcher2.cpp | |
Stitcher3.cpp | |
Stitcher4.cpp | |
StitcherOptions.cpp | Helper class for storing different options |
StitcherOptions.h | Helper class for storing different options |
panodata | |
ControlPoint.cpp | |
ControlPoint.h | |
Exiv2Helper.cpp | Helper functions to work with Exif data via the exiv2 library |
Exiv2Helper.h | Helper functions to work with Exif data via the exiv2 library |
image_variables.h | This file specifies what image variables SrcPanoImg should have |
ImageVariable.h | Define & Implement the ImageVariable class |
ImageVariableGroup.cpp | Implement the ImageVariableGroup class |
ImageVariableGroup.h | Declare the ImageVariableGroup and ImageVariableGroupObserver classes |
ImageVariableTranslate.h | Convenience functions for SrcPanoImage to use on the image variables |
Lens.cpp | Implementation of PanoramaMemento Class |
Lens.h | Lens class |
Mask.cpp | |
Mask.h | Declaration of classes to work with mask |
OptimizerSwitches.h | Some definitions to work with optimizer master switches |
Panorama.cpp | Implementation of Panorama Class |
Panorama.h | |
PanoramaData.h | |
PanoramaOptions.cpp | Implementation of PanoramaMemento Class |
PanoramaOptions.h | |
PanoramaVariable.cpp | |
PanoramaVariable.h | |
ParseExp.cpp | Functions to parse expressions from strings |
ParseExp.h | Function to parse expressions from strings |
PTScriptParsing.cpp | |
PTScriptParsing.h | |
SrcPanoImage.cpp | |
SrcPanoImage.h | |
StandardImageVariableGroups.cpp | Implement the StandardImageVariableGroups object |
StandardImageVariableGroups.h | Somewhere to specify what variables belong to what |
panotools | |
PanoToolsInterface.cpp | Implementation of PanoToolsInterface Class |
PanoToolsInterface.h | |
PanoToolsOptimizerWrapper.cpp | Wraps around PTOptimizer |
PanoToolsOptimizerWrapper.h | Wraps around PTOptimizer |
PanoToolsTransformGPU.cpp | GPU shader program conversion for PTools::Transform |
PanoToolsUtils.cpp | Utility calls into PanoTools using CPP interface |
PanoToolsUtils.h | Utility calls into PanoTools using CPP interface |
photometric | |
ResponseTransform.h | |
vigra_ext | |
BlendPoisson.h | Solve poisson equation for blending images |
cms.h | Functions to handle icc profiles in images |
Correlation.h | |
emor.cpp | $Id$ |
emor.h | |
FileRAII.h | |
FitPolynom.h | |
FunctorAccessor.h | |
HDRUtils.h | |
ImageTransforms.h | Contains functions to transform whole images |
ImageTransformsGPU.cpp | Support functions for GPU remapping |
ImageTransformsGPU.h | Contains functions to transform whole images |
impexalpha.hxx | |
InterestPoints.h | Compute interest points |
Interpolators.h | The pano tools interpolators ported to vigra |
lut.h | |
openmp_vigra.h | |
Pyramid.h | |
pyramid2.h | |
ransac.h | Generic implementation of the RanSaC algorithm |
ReduceOpenEXR.h | |
ROIImage.h | |
StitchWatershed.h | |
tiffUtils.h | Some functions to create tiff images with masks |
utils.h | Functions to manage ROI's |
VignettingCorrection.h | |
hugin_basic.h | |
hugin_cpfind | |
cpfind | |
ImageImport.h | |
KDTree.h | |
KDTreeImpl.h | |
main.cpp | |
PanoDetector.cpp | |
PanoDetector.h | |
PanoDetectorDefs.h | |
PanoDetectorLogic.cpp | |
TestCode.cpp | |
TestCode.h | |
Tracer.h | |
Utils.cpp | |
Utils.h | |
localfeatures | |
BoundedSet.h | |
BoxFilter.h | |
CircularKeyPointDescriptor.cpp | |
CircularKeyPointDescriptor.h | |
Homography.cpp | |
Homography.h | |
Image.cpp | |
Image.h | |
KeyPoint.h | |
KeyPointDescriptor.h | |
KeyPointDetector.cpp | |
KeyPointDetector.h | |
KeyPointIO.cpp | |
KeyPointIO.h | |
MathStuff.cpp | |
MathStuff.h | |
PointMatch.h | |
RansacFiltering.cpp | |
RansacFiltering.h | |
Sieve.h | |
WaveFilter.h | |
hugin_script_interface | |
hpi.cpp | |
hpi.h | C++ call interface to hpi |
hpi_classes.cpp | Core classes of the hpi interface, not for user code |
hpi_classes.h | Core classes of the hpi interface, not for user code |
tools | |
align_image_stack.cpp | Program to align a set of well overlapping images (~90%) |
autooptimiser.cpp | Smarter PTOptimizer, with pairwise optimisation before global optimisation starts |
checkpto.cpp | Helper program for assistant |
cpclean.cpp | Program to remove wrong control points by statistical method |
ExtractPoints.h | Helper procedure for photometric optimizer on command line |
fulla.cpp | Tool to perform distortion, vignetting and chromatic abberation correction |
geocpset.cpp | Program to set "geometric" control points |
hugin_hdrmerge.cpp | Merge images |
hugin_lensdb.cpp | Helper program for working with lens database |
IniParser.cpp | Reads and parse an ini file |
IniParser.h | Reads and parse an ini file |
linefind.cpp | Program to find vertical lines in project |
nona.cpp | Simple test stitcher |
pano_modify.cpp | Program to modify some aspects of a project file on the command line |
pano_trafo.cpp | Transform between image <-> panorama coordinates |
PanoOptionsFromIni.cpp | |
PanoOptionsFromIni.h | Read settings from ini file and apply only applicable values |
pto_gen.cpp | Program to generate a pto file from given image files |
pto_lensstack.cpp | Program to manipulate lens and stack assignment in pto files |
pto_mask.cpp | Program to set mask from command line |
pto_merge.cpp | Program to merge several project files |
pto_move.cpp | Helper program for moving project with all images at once |
pto_template.cpp | Program to apply template |
pto_var.cpp | Program to manipulate variables for scripting |
stacker.cpp | Program to merge images in a stack |
tca_correct.cpp | Program to align a set of well overlapping images (~90%) |
verdandi.cpp | Program to stitch images using the watershed algorithm |
vig_optimize.cpp | Simple test stitcher |
hugin_shared.h | |