108 void SearchInDir(wxString dirstring,
const bool includeSubdir,
const bool loadDistortion,
const bool loadVignetting,
const size_t minNumberImages,
const size_t maxTimeDiff);
117 typedef std::set<HuginBase::SrcPanoImage*, SortFilename>
162 void PopulateListCtrl(wxListCtrl* list, wxImageList* thumbs, wxArrayString& tooltips);
188 #endif //_FINDPANODIALOG_H
wxString GetFocalLength()
returns the focal length as string
bool operator()(const HuginBase::SrcPanoImage *img1, const HuginBase::SrcPanoImage *img2) const
wxSpinCtrl * m_sc_maxTimeDiff
void AddSrcPanoImage(HuginBase::SrcPanoImage *img)
adds the given SrcPanoImage to this pano-group
destructor, cleans up used variables
void RemoveImage(const unsigned int index)
removes the image at given index
void EnableButtons(const bool state)
wxButton * m_button_start
include file for the hugin project
wxCheckBox * m_cb_loadDistortion
wxString GetCameraName()
returns the camera name
wxCheckBox * m_cb_createLinks
void OnButtonClose(wxCommandEvent &e)
closes window
wxCheckBox * m_cb_loadVignetting
void UpdateDateTimes()
updates the internal date/time representations
PossiblePano * SplitPano(const unsigned int index)
split pano into 2 subpanos, index is used as first image of second pano
BatchFrame * m_batchframe
const wxString GetFilestring(const wxString BasePath, const bool stripExtension=false) const
returns a string with the filename of the first and last file
wxString GetDuration()
returns the duration as string
void PopulateListCtrl(wxListCtrl *list, wxImageList *thumbs, wxArrayString &tooltips)
add all images to wxListCtrl
void SearchInDir(wxString dirstring, const bool includeSubdir, const bool loadDistortion, const bool loadVignetting, const size_t minNumberImages, const size_t maxTimeDiff)
void OnSplitPanos(wxCommandEvent &e)
event handler to split into 2 panos
const unsigned int GetImageCount() const
returns number of images in this group
wxString GetStartString()
return the start date/time as string
void OnListMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &e)
mouse move handler for tooltips
wxString GetLensName()
returns the lens name
std::set< HuginBase::SrcPanoImage *, SortFilename > ImageSet
std::string stripExtension(const std::string &basename2)
remove extension of a filename
TIFFErrorHandler m_oldtiffwarning
void OnSelectPossiblePano(wxCommandEvent &e)
event to populate information on the right
wxStaticText * m_statustext
void OnListItemRightClick(wxListEvent &e)
event handler for context menu
Batch processor for Hugin with GUI.
bool BelongsTo(HuginBase::SrcPanoImage *img, const wxTimeSpan max_time_diff)
return true, if the image could belong to the given PossiblePano, it checks camera maker and model...
wxTextCtrl * m_textctrl_dir
wxButton * m_button_close
enumeration for different naming conventions, must be match combobox in ressource ...
include file for the hugin project
wxString GeneratePanorama(NamingConvention nc, bool createLinks, HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::BlendingMechanism defaultBlender)
generates the panorama file from this set of images
wxListCtrl * m_thumbsList
bool GetNewProjectFilename(NamingConvention nc, const wxString basePath, wxFileName &projectFile)
returns a given filename, which does not already exists
const wxDateTime GetDateTime(const HuginBase::SrcPanoImage *img)
does some reformating date/time format
constructor, init values
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &e)
prevents closing window when running detection
wxSpinCtrl * m_sc_minNumberImages
destructor, saves size and position
FindPanoDialog(BatchFrame *batchframe, wxString xrcPrefix)
Constructor, read from xrc ressource; restore last uses settings, size and position.
const wxString GetItemString(const wxString BasePath) const
returns a string which contains description of this pano
void OnRemoveImage(wxCommandEvent &e)
event handler to remove selected image from list
Dialog for finding panorama in given directory.
All variables of a source image.
wxButton * m_button_choose
void OnButtonSend(wxCommandEvent &e)
add selected projects to queue
void OnButtonChoose(wxCommandEvent &e)
select directory with dialog
wxCheckListBox * m_list_pano
void OnButtonStart(wxCommandEvent &e)
start/stops detections
std::vector< PossiblePano * > m_panos