81 void GenerateFileList(wxArrayString& panoSubDirs, std::vector<wxArrayString>& fileList);
88 bool m_validPTO{
false };
wxArrayString m_orignalFilenames
wxTextCtrl * m_subDirTextCtrl
wxTextCtrl * m_imageTemplate
BatchFrame * m_batchframe
void OnGenerateAssistantPanorama(wxCommandEvent &e)
generate assistant sequence button
HuginBase::Panorama m_pano
void OnUpdateImageTemplate(wxCommandEvent &e)
update image filename template on selected image
Dialog for generate panoramas from a sequence of images.
void OnGenerateStitchingPanorama(wxCommandEvent &e)
generate stitching sequence button
wxStaticText * m_originalImage
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterP_end
include file for the hugin project
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterI_end
wxListCtrl * m_imagesListCtrl
wxArrayString m_mappedFilenames
void OnSelectBasePath(wxCommandEvent &e)
show select directory dialog
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterP_step
void OnUpdateAllImagesTemplate(wxCommandEvent &e)
update images filename template for all images
void FillImagesList()
fill the images list with current values
void GenerateFileList(wxArrayString &panoSubDirs, std::vector< wxArrayString > &fileList)
generate a list of all panorama and images in panoramas
void OnImageListSelected(wxListEvent &e)
image in list ctrl selected
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterP_offset
wxChoice * m_choiceSubDir
void OnUpdateCounters(wxSpinEvent &e)
update all spin controls with current numbers
Batch processor for Hugin with GUI.
void DoGeneratePanorama(const Project::Target target)
generates all panoramas and add them to the batch queue with given queue target
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterX_offset
void OnSelectSubDir(wxCommandEvent &e)
select which sub-directory should be used
void UpdateCounters()
update all counters, enable/disable end value and calculate end values
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterI_offset
include file for the hugin project
destructor, saves size and position
void OnGeneratePreview(wxCommandEvent &e)
generate preview
void ReadPTOFile()
read pto template from file
bool IsValidPanorama() const
return true if given template is a valid pto file, if not the dialog should not be used ...
GenerateSequenceDialog(BatchFrame *batchframe, wxString xrcPrefix, wxString ptoFilename)
Constructor, read from xrc ressource; restore last uses settings, size and position.
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterX_end
wxButton * m_changeImageTemplate
wxButton * m_changeAllImagesTemplate
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterX_step
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinCounterI_step