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1 // -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <iomanip>
33 #include <math.h>
34 #include <hugin_math/hugin_math.h>
35 #include <algorithm>
37 #include <vigra/accessor.hxx>
38 #include <vigra/diff2d.hxx>
40 using std::endl;
42 namespace vigra_ext {
44 // Some locally needed math functions
46 static double sinc ( double x );
47 static double cubic01 ( double x );
48 static double cubic12 ( double x );
50 static double sinc( double x )
51 {
52  x *= M_PI;
53  if(x != 0.0)
54  return(sin(x) / x);
55  return(1.0);
56 }
59 // Cubic polynomial with parameter A
60 // A = -1: sharpen; A = - 0.5 homogeneous
61 // make sure x >= 0
62 static const double A(-0.75);
64 // 0 <= x < 1
65 static double cubic01( double x )
66 {
67  return (( A + 2.0 )*x - ( A + 3.0 ))*x*x +1.0;
68 }
69 // 1 <= x < 2
71 static double cubic12( double x )
72 {
73  return (( A * x - 5.0 * A ) * x + 8.0 * A ) * x - 4.0 * A;
75 }
87 };
97 {
98  // size of neighbourhood
99  static const int size = 2;
101  void calc_coeff(double x, double * w) const
102  {
103  w[1] = (x >= 0.5) ? 1 : 0;
104  w[0] = (x < 0.5) ? 1 : 0;
105  }
107  void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream& oss) const {
108  oss << " return (i == 0.0) ? float(f < 0.5) : float(f >= 0.5);" << endl;
109  }
110 };
115 {
116  // size of neighbourhood
117  static const int size = 2;
119  void calc_coeff(double x, double * w) const
120  {
121  w[1] = x;
122  w[0] = 1.0-x;
123  }
125  void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream& oss) const {
126  oss << " return abs(i + f - 1.0);" << endl;
127  }
128 };
132 {
133  // size of neighbourhood
134  static const int size = 4;
137  void calc_coeff(double x, double * w) const
138  {
139  w[3] = cubic12( 2.0 - x );
140  w[2] = cubic01( 1.0 - x );
141  w[1] = cubic01( x );
142  w[0] = cubic12( x + 1.0 );
143  }
145  void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream& oss) const {
146  oss << " float A = " << A << ";" << endl
147  << " float c = abs(i - 1.0);" << endl
148  << " float m = (i > 1.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;" << endl
149  << " float p = c + m * f;" << endl
150  << " if (i == 1.0 || i == 2.0) {" << endl
151  << " return (( A + 2.0 )*p - ( A + 3.0 ))*p*p + 1.0;" << endl
152  << " } else {" << endl
153  << " return (( A * p - 5.0 * A ) * p + 8.0 * A ) * p - 4.0 * A;" << endl
154  << " }" << endl;
155  }
156 };
160 {
161  // size of neighbourhood
162  static const int size = 4;
165  void calc_coeff(double x, double * w) const
166  {
167  w[3] = ( ( 1.0/3.0 * x - 1.0/5.0 ) * x - 2.0/15.0 ) * x;
168  w[2] = ( ( 6.0/5.0 - x ) * x + 4.0/5.0 ) * x;
169  w[1] = ( ( x - 9.0/5.0 ) * x - 1.0/5.0 ) * x + 1.0;
170  w[0] = ( ( -1.0/3.0 * x + 4.0/5.0 ) * x - 7.0/15.0 ) * x;
171  }
173  void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream& oss) const {
174  oss << " return (i > 1.0) ? (i == 3.0) ? (( ( 1.0/3.0 * f - 1.0/5.0 ) * f - 2.0/15.0 ) * f)" << endl
175  << " : (( ( 6.0/5.0 - f ) * f + 4.0/5.0 ) * f)" << endl
176  << " : (i == 1.0) ? (( ( f - 9.0/5.0 ) * f - 1.0/5.0 ) * f + 1.0)" << endl
177  << " : (( ( -1.0/3.0 * f + 4.0/5.0 ) * f - 7.0/15.0 ) * f);" << endl;
178  }
179 };
183 {
184  // size of neighbourhood
185  static const int size = 6;
193  void calc_coeff(double x, double* w) const
194  {
195  w[5] = ( ( - 1.0/11.0 * x + 12.0/ 209.0 ) * x + 7.0/ 209.0 ) * x;
196  w[4] = ( ( 6.0/11.0 * x - 72.0/ 209.0 ) * x - 42.0/ 209.0 ) * x;
197  w[3] = ( ( - 13.0/11.0 * x + 288.0/ 209.0 ) * x + 168.0/ 209.0 ) * x;
198  w[2] = ( ( 13.0/11.0 * x - 453.0/ 209.0 ) * x - 3.0/ 209.0 ) * x + 1.0;
199  w[1] = ( ( - 6.0/11.0 * x + 270.0/ 209.0 ) * x - 156.0/ 209.0 ) * x;
200  w[0] = ( ( 1.0/11.0 * x - 45.0/ 209.0 ) * x + 26.0/ 209.0 ) * x;
201  }
203  void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream& oss) const {
204  oss << " return (i > 3.0) ? (i == 5.0) ? (( ( - 1.0/11.0 * f + 12.0/ 209.0 ) * f + 7.0/ 209.0 ) * f)" << endl
205  << " : (( ( 6.0/11.0 * f - 72.0/ 209.0 ) * f - 42.0/ 209.0 ) * f)" << endl
206  << " : (i > 1.0) ? (i == 3.0) ? (( ( - 13.0/11.0 * f + 288.0/ 209.0 ) * f + 168.0/ 209.0 ) * f)" << endl
207  << " : (( ( 13.0/11.0 * f - 453.0/ 209.0 ) * f - 3.0/ 209.0 ) * f + 1.0)" << endl
208  << " : (i == 1.0) ? (( ( - 6.0/11.0 * f + 270.0/ 209.0 ) * f - 156.0/ 209.0 ) * f)" << endl
209  << " : (( ( 1.0/11.0 * f - 45.0/ 209.0 ) * f + 26.0/ 209.0 ) * f);" << endl;
210  }
211 };
216 {
217  // size of neighbourhood
218  static const int size = 8;
221  void calc_coeff(double x, double * w) const
222  {
223  w[7] = (( 1.0/41.0 * x - 45.0/2911.0) * x - 26.0/2911.0) * x;
224  w[6] = ((- 6.0/41.0 * x + 270.0/2911.0) * x + 156.0/2911.0) * x;
225  w[5] = (( 24.0/41.0 * x - 1080.0/2911.0) * x - 624.0/2911.0) * x;
226  w[4] = ((-49.0/41.0 * x + 4050.0/2911.0) * x + 2340.0/2911.0) * x;
227  w[3] = (( 49.0/41.0 * x - 6387.0/2911.0) * x - 3.0/2911.0) * x + 1.0;
228  w[2] = ((-24.0/41.0 * x + 4032.0/2911.0) * x - 2328.0/2911.0) * x;
229  w[1] = (( 6.0/41.0 * x - 1008.0/2911.0) * x + 582.0/2911.0) * x;
230  w[0] = ((- 1.0/41.0 * x + 168.0/2911.0) * x - 97.0/2911.0) * x;
231  }
233  void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream& oss) const {
234  oss << " return (i > 3.0) ? (i > 5.0) ? (i == 7.0) ? ((( 1.0/41.0 * f - 45.0/2911.0) * f - 26.0/2911.0) * f)" << endl
235  << " : (((- 6.0/41.0 * f + 270.0/2911.0) * f + 156.0/2911.0) * f)" << endl
236  << " : (i == 5.0) ? ((( 24.0/41.0 * f - 1080.0/2911.0) * f - 624.0/2911.0) * f)" << endl
237  << " : (((-49.0/41.0 * f + 4050.0/2911.0) * f + 2340.0/2911.0) * f)" << endl
238  << " : (i > 1.0) ? (i == 3.0) ? ((( 49.0/41.0 * f - 6387.0/2911.0) * f - 3.0/2911.0) * f + 1.0)" << endl
239  << " : (((-24.0/41.0 * f + 4032.0/2911.0) * f - 2328.0/2911.0) * f)" << endl
240  << " : (i == 1.0) ? ((( 6.0/41.0 * f - 1008.0/2911.0) * f + 582.0/2911.0) * f)" << endl
241  << " : (((- 1.0/41.0 * f + 168.0/2911.0) * f - 97.0/2911.0) * f);" << endl;
242  }
243 };
246 template <int size_>
248 {
249  // size of neighbourhood
250  static const int size = size_;
253  void calc_coeff(double x, double * w) const
254  {
255  int idx;
256  double xadd;
257  for( idx = 0, xadd = size / 2 - 1.0 + x;
258  idx < size / 2;
259  xadd-=1.0)
260  {
261  w[idx++] = sinc( xadd ) * sinc( xadd / ( size / 2 ));
262  }
263  for( xadd = 1.0 - x;
264  idx < size;
265  xadd+=1.0)
266  {
267  w[idx++] = sinc( xadd ) * sinc( xadd / ( size / 2 ));
268  }
269  }
271  void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream& oss) const {
272  oss << " float c = (i < " << (size/2.0) << ") ? 1.0 : -1.0;" << endl
273  << " float x = c * (" << (size/2 - 1.0) << " - i + f);" << endl
274  << " vec2 xpi = vec2(x, x / " << (size/2.0) << ") * " << M_PI << ";" << endl
275  << " vec2 xsin = sin(xpi);" << endl
276  << " vec2 result = vec2(1.0, 1.0);" << endl
277  << " if (xpi.x != 0.0) result.x = xsin.x / xpi.x;" << endl
278  << " if (xpi.y != 0.0) result.y = xsin.y / xpi.y;" << endl
279  << " return result.x * result.y;" << endl;
280  }
281 };
288 template <typename SrcImageIterator, typename SrcAccessor,
289  typename INTERPOLATOR>
291 {
292 public:
293  typedef typename SrcAccessor::value_type PixelType;
294  // dummy mask type to be compatible to algorithms expecting a ImageMaskInterpolator object
295  typedef typename vigra::UInt8 MaskType;
296 private:
297  typedef typename vigra::NumericTraits<PixelType>::RealPromote RealPixelType;
299  SrcImageIterator m_sIter;
300  SrcAccessor m_sAcc;
301  int m_w;
302  int m_h;
305  INTERPOLATOR m_inter;
307 public:
309  ImageInterpolator(vigra::triple<SrcImageIterator, SrcImageIterator,SrcAccessor> const & src,
310  INTERPOLATOR & inter,
311  bool warparound)
312  : m_sIter(src.first),
313  m_sAcc(src.third),
314  m_w(src.second.x - src.first.x),
315  m_h(src.second.y - src.first.y),
316  m_warparound(warparound),
317  m_inter(inter)
318  {
319  }
324  ImageInterpolator(SrcImageIterator src_upperleft,
325  SrcImageIterator src_lowerright,
326  SrcAccessor sa,
327  INTERPOLATOR & inter,
328  bool warparound)
329  : m_sIter(src_upperleft),
330  m_sAcc(sa),
331  m_w(src_lowerright.x - src_upperleft.x),
332  m_h(src_lowerright.y - src_upperleft.y),
333  m_warparound(warparound),
334  m_inter(inter)
335  {
336  }
339  bool operator()(double x, double y,
340  PixelType & result, MaskType & mask) const
341  {
342  mask = 255;
343  return operator()(x,y, result);
344  }
347  bool operator()(double x, double y,
348  PixelType & result) const
349  {
351  // skip all further interpolation if we cannot interpolate anything
352  if (x < -INTERPOLATOR::size/2 || x > m_w + INTERPOLATOR::size/2) return false;
353  if (y < -INTERPOLATOR::size/2 || y > m_h + INTERPOLATOR::size/2) return false;
355  double t = floor(x);
356  double dx = x - t;
357  int srcx = int(t);
358  t = floor(y);
359  double dy = y - t;
360  int srcy = int(t);
362  if ( srcx > INTERPOLATOR::size/2 && srcx < m_w -INTERPOLATOR::size/2 &&
363  srcy > INTERPOLATOR::size/2 && srcy < m_h - INTERPOLATOR::size/2)
364  {
365  return interpolateNoMaskInside(srcx, srcy, dx, dy, result);
366  }
368  double wx[INTERPOLATOR::size];
369  double wy[INTERPOLATOR::size];
371  // calculate x interpolation coefficients
372  m_inter.calc_coeff(dx, wx);
373  m_inter.calc_coeff(dy, wy);
375  RealPixelType p(vigra::NumericTraits<RealPixelType>::zero());
376  double weightsum = 0.0;
377  for (int ky = 0; ky < INTERPOLATOR::size; ky++) {
378  int bounded_ky = srcy + 1 + ky - INTERPOLATOR::size/2;
380  // Boundary condition: do not replicate top and bottom
381  if (bounded_ky < 0 || bounded_ky >= m_h) {
382  continue;
383  }
385  for (int kx = 0; kx < INTERPOLATOR::size; kx++) {
386  int bounded_kx = srcx + 1 + kx - INTERPOLATOR::size/2;
388  if (m_warparound) {
389  // Boundary condition: wrap around the image.
390  if (bounded_kx < 0)
391  bounded_kx += m_w;
392  if (bounded_kx >= m_w)
393  bounded_kx -= m_w;
394  } else {
395  // Boundary condition: replicate first and last column.
396  // if (srcx + kx < 0) bounded_kx -= (srcx + kx);
397  // if (srcx + kx >= src_w) bounded_kx -= (srcx + kx - (src_w - 1));
398  // Boundary condition: do not replicate left and right
399  if (bounded_kx < 0)
400  continue;
401  if (bounded_kx >= m_w)
402  continue;
403  }
405  // check mask
406  double f = wx[kx]*wy[ky];
407  p += f * m_sAcc(m_sIter, vigra::Diff2D(bounded_kx, bounded_ky));
408  weightsum += f;
409  }
410  }
412  // force a certain weight
413  if (weightsum <= 0.2) return false;
414  // Adjust filter for any ignored transparent pixels.
415  if (weightsum != 1.0) p /= weightsum;
417  result = vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<PixelType>::cast(p);
418  return true;
419  }
423  bool interpolateNoMaskInside(int srcx, int srcy, double dx, double dy,
424  PixelType & result) const
425  {
426  double w[INTERPOLATOR::size];
427  RealPixelType resX[INTERPOLATOR::size];
429  // calculate x interpolation coefficients
430  m_inter.calc_coeff(dx, w);
432  RealPixelType p;
434  // first pass of separable filter, x pass
435  vigra::Diff2D offset(srcx - INTERPOLATOR::size/2 + 1,
436  srcy - INTERPOLATOR::size/2 + 1);
437  SrcImageIterator ys(m_sIter + offset);
438  for (int ky = 0; ky < INTERPOLATOR::size; ky++, ++(ys.y)) {
439  p = vigra::NumericTraits<RealPixelType>::zero();
440  typename SrcImageIterator::row_iterator xs(ys.rowIterator());
441  //SrcImageIterator xs(ys);
442  for (int kx = 0; kx < INTERPOLATOR::size; kx++, ++xs) {
443  p += w[kx] * m_sAcc(xs);
444  }
445  resX[ky] = p;
446  }
448  // y pass.
449  m_inter.calc_coeff(dy, w);
450  p = vigra::NumericTraits<RealPixelType>::zero();
451  for (int ky = 0; ky < INTERPOLATOR::size; ky++) {
452  p += w[ky] * resX[ky];
453  }
455  result = vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<PixelType>::cast(p);
456  return true;
457  }
459  void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream& oss) const {
460  m_inter.emitGLSL(oss);
461  }
463 };
471 template <typename SrcImageIterator, typename SrcAccessor,
472  typename MaskIterator, typename MaskAccessor,
473  typename INTERPOLATOR>
475 {
476 public:
477  typedef typename SrcAccessor::value_type PixelType;
478  typedef typename MaskAccessor::value_type MaskType;
479 private:
480  typedef typename vigra::NumericTraits<PixelType>::RealPromote RealPixelType;
482  SrcImageIterator m_sIter;
483  SrcAccessor m_sAcc;
484  MaskIterator m_mIter;
485  MaskAccessor m_mAcc;
486  int m_w;
487  int m_h;
490  INTERPOLATOR m_inter;
492 public:
495  ImageMaskInterpolator(vigra::triple<SrcImageIterator, SrcImageIterator,SrcAccessor> const & src,
496  std::pair<MaskIterator, MaskAccessor> mask,
497  INTERPOLATOR & inter,
498  bool warparound)
499  : m_sIter(src.first),
500  m_sAcc(src.third),
501  m_mIter(mask.first),
502  m_mAcc(mask.second),
503  m_w(src.second.x - src.first.x),
504  m_h(src.second.y - src.first.y),
505  m_warparound(warparound),
506  m_inter(inter)
507  {
508  }
513  ImageMaskInterpolator(SrcImageIterator src_upperleft,
514  SrcImageIterator src_lowerright,
515  SrcAccessor sa,
516  MaskIterator mask_upperleft,
517  MaskAccessor ma,
518  INTERPOLATOR & inter,
519  bool warparound)
520  : m_sIter(src_upperleft),
521  m_sAcc(sa),
522  m_mIter(mask_upperleft),
523  m_mAcc(ma),
524  m_w(src_lowerright.x - src_upperleft.x),
525  m_h(src_lowerright.y - src_upperleft.y),
526  m_warparound(warparound),
527  m_inter(inter)
528  {
529  }
530 #if 0
550 // bool operator()(float x, float y,
551  // this is slower than the full version, thanks to the normalized interpolation (with masks).
552  bool interpolateSeperable(float x, float y,
553  PixelType & result) const
554  {
556  // skip all further interpolation if we cannot interpolate anything
557  if (x < -INTERPOLATOR::size/2 || x > m_w + INTERPOLATOR::size/2) return false;
558  if (y < -INTERPOLATOR::size/2 || y > m_h + INTERPOLATOR::size/2) return false;
560  double t = floor(x);
561  double dx = x - t;
562  int srcx = int(t);
563  t = floor(y);
564  double dy = y - t;
565  int srcy = int(t);
568  double w[INTERPOLATOR::size];
570  double weightsX[INTERPOLATOR::size];
571  PixelType resX[INTERPOLATOR::size];
573  // calculate x interpolation coefficients
574  m_inter.calc_coeff(dx, w);
576  // first pass of separable filter
578  for (int ky = 0; ky < INTERPOLATOR::size; ky++) {
579  int bounded_ky = srcy + 1 + ky - INTERPOLATOR::size/2;
581  // Boundary condition: replicate top and bottom rows.
582  // if (srcy + ky < 0) bounded_ky -= (srcy + ky);
583  // if (srcy + ky >= src_h) bounded_ky -= (srcy + ky - (src_h - 1));
585  // Boundary condition: do not replicate top and bottom
586  if (bounded_ky < 0 || bounded_ky >= m_h) {
587  weightsX[ky] = 0;
588  resX[ky] = 0;
589  continue;
590  }
592  RealPixelType p(vigra::NumericTraits<RealPixelType>::zero());
593  double weightsum = 0.0;
595  for (int kx = 0; kx < INTERPOLATOR::size; kx++) {
596  int bounded_kx = srcx + 1 + kx - INTERPOLATOR::size/2;
598  if (m_warparound) {
599  // Boundary condition: wrap around the image.
600  if (bounded_kx < 0)
601  bounded_kx += m_w;
602  if (bounded_kx >= m_w)
603  bounded_kx -= m_w;
604  } else {
605  // Boundary condition: replicate first and last column.
606  // if (srcx + kx < 0) bounded_kx -= (srcx + kx);
607  // if (srcx + kx >= src_w) bounded_kx -= (srcx + kx - (src_w - 1));
608  // Boundary condition: do not replicate left and right
609  if (bounded_kx < 0)
610  continue;
611  if (bounded_kx >= m_w)
612  continue;
613  }
614  if (m_mIter(bounded_kx, bounded_ky)) {
615  // check mask
616  p += w[kx] * m_sIter(bounded_kx, bounded_ky);
617  weightsum += w[kx];
618  }
619  }
620  weightsX[ky] = weightsum;
621  resX[ky] = p;
622  }
624  // y pass.
625  m_inter.calc_coeff(dy, w);
626  RealPixelType p(vigra::NumericTraits<RealPixelType>::zero());
627  double weightsum = 0.0;
628  for (int ky = 0; ky < INTERPOLATOR::size; ky++) {
629  weightsum += weightsX[ky] * w[ky];
630  p += w[ky] * resX[ky];
631  }
633  if (weightsum == 0.0) return false;
634  // Adjust filter for any ignored transparent pixels.
635  if (weightsum != 1.0) p /= weightsum;
637  result = vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<PixelType>::cast(p);
638  return true;
639  }
640 #endif
661  bool operator()(double x, double y,
662  PixelType & result, MaskType & mask) const
663  {
665  // skip all further interpolation if we cannot interpolate anything
666  if (x < -INTERPOLATOR::size/2 || x > m_w + INTERPOLATOR::size/2) return false;
667  if (y < -INTERPOLATOR::size/2 || y > m_h + INTERPOLATOR::size/2) return false;
669  double t = floor(x);
670  double dx = x - t;
671  int srcx = int(t);
672  t = floor(y);
673  double dy = y - t;
674  int srcy = int(t);
676  if ( srcx > INTERPOLATOR::size/2 && srcx < m_w -INTERPOLATOR::size/2 &&
677  srcy > INTERPOLATOR::size/2 && srcy < m_h - INTERPOLATOR::size/2)
678  {
679  return interpolateInside(srcx, srcy, dx, dy, result, mask);
680  }
682  double wx[INTERPOLATOR::size];
683  double wy[INTERPOLATOR::size];
685  // calculate x interpolation coefficients
686  m_inter.calc_coeff(dx, wx);
687  m_inter.calc_coeff(dy, wy);
689  // first pass of separable filter
691  RealPixelType p(vigra::NumericTraits<RealPixelType>::zero());
692  double m = 0;
693  double weightsum = 0.0;
694  for (int ky = 0; ky < INTERPOLATOR::size; ky++) {
695  int bounded_ky = srcy + 1 + ky - INTERPOLATOR::size/2;
697  // Boundary condition: do not replicate top and bottom
698  if (bounded_ky < 0 || bounded_ky >= m_h) {
699  continue;
700  }
702  for (int kx = 0; kx < INTERPOLATOR::size; kx++) {
703  int bounded_kx = srcx + 1 + kx - INTERPOLATOR::size/2;
705  if (m_warparound) {
706  // Boundary condition: wrap around the image.
707  if (bounded_kx < 0)
708  bounded_kx += m_w;
709  if (bounded_kx >= m_w)
710  bounded_kx -= m_w;
711  } else {
712  // Boundary condition: replicate first and last column.
713  // if (srcx + kx < 0) bounded_kx -= (srcx + kx);
714  // if (srcx + kx >= src_w) bounded_kx -= (srcx + kx - (src_w - 1));
715  // Boundary condition: do not replicate left and right
716  if (bounded_kx < 0)
717  continue;
718  if (bounded_kx >= m_w)
719  continue;
720  }
722  MaskType cmask = m_mIter(bounded_kx, bounded_ky);
723  if (cmask) {
724  // check mask
725  double f = wx[kx]*wy[ky];
726  // TODO: check if this is good, influences the HDR stitching masks
727  m += f * cmask;
728  p += f * m_sAcc(m_sIter, vigra::Diff2D(bounded_kx, bounded_ky));
729  weightsum += f;
730  }
731  }
732  }
734  // force a certain weight
735  if (weightsum <= 0.2) return false;
736  // Adjust filter for any ignored transparent pixels.
737  if (weightsum != 1.0) {
738  p /= weightsum;
739  m /= weightsum;
740  }
742  mask = vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<MaskType>::cast(m);
743  result = vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<PixelType>::cast(p);
744  return true;
745  }
749  bool interpolateInside(int srcx, int srcy, double dx, double dy,
750  PixelType & result, MaskType & mask) const
751  {
753  double wx[INTERPOLATOR::size];
754  double wy[INTERPOLATOR::size];
756  // calculate x interpolation coefficients
757  m_inter.calc_coeff(dx, wx);
758  m_inter.calc_coeff(dy, wy);
760  RealPixelType p(vigra::NumericTraits<RealPixelType>::zero());
761  double weightsum = 0.0;
762  double m = 0.0;
763  vigra::Diff2D offset(srcx - INTERPOLATOR::size/2 + 1,
764  srcy - INTERPOLATOR::size/2 + 1);
765  SrcImageIterator ys(m_sIter + offset);
766  MaskIterator yms(m_mIter + offset);
767  for (int ky = 0; ky < INTERPOLATOR::size; ky++, ++(ys.y), ++(yms.y)) {
768 // int bounded_ky = srcy + 1 + ky - INTERPOLATOR::size/2;
769  typename SrcImageIterator::row_iterator xs(ys.rowIterator());
770  typename MaskIterator::row_iterator xms(yms.rowIterator());
771  for (int kx = 0; kx < INTERPOLATOR::size; kx++, ++xs, ++xms) {
772 // int bounded_kx = srcx + 1 + kx - INTERPOLATOR::size/2;
774  MaskType cmask = *xms;
775  if (cmask) {
776  // check mask
777  double f = wx[kx]*wy[ky];
778  // TODO: check if this is good, influences the HDR stitching masks
779  m += f * cmask;
780  p += f * m_sAcc(xs);
781  weightsum += f;
782  }
783  }
784  }
786  // force a certain weight
787  if (weightsum <= 0.2) return false;
788  // Adjust filter for any ignored transparent pixels.
789  if (weightsum != 1.0) {
790  p /= weightsum;
791  m /= weightsum;
792  }
794  result = vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<PixelType>::cast(p);
795  mask = vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<MaskType>::cast(m);
796  return true;
797  }
799 };
801 /********************************************************/
802 /* */
803 /* InterpolatingAccessor */
804 /* */
805 /********************************************************/
856 template <class ACCESSOR, class VALUETYPE, class INTERPOLATOR>
858 {
859 public:
862  typedef VALUETYPE value_type;
866  InterpolatingAccessor(ACCESSOR a, INTERPOLATOR inter)
867  : a_(a), inter_x(inter), inter_y(inter)
868  {}
886  template <class ITERATOR>
887  value_type operator()(ITERATOR const & i, float x, float y) const
888  {
889  int ix = int(x);
890  int iy = int(y);
891  float dx = x - ix;
892  float dy = y - iy;
893  double wx[INTERPOLATOR::size];
894  double wy[INTERPOLATOR::size];
896  // promote value_type for multiplication
897  typename vigra::NumericTraits<value_type>::RealPromote
898  ret (vigra::NumericTraits<value_type>::zero());
900  // calculate interpolation coefficients
901  inter_x.calc_coeff(dx, wx);
902  inter_y.calc_coeff(dy, wy);
904  ITERATOR ys(i + vigra::Diff2D(ix - inter_x.size/2 + 1,
905  iy - inter_y.size/2 + 1));
906  for(int y = 0; y < inter_y.size; ++y, ++ys.y) {
907  ITERATOR xs(ys);
908  for(int x = 0; x < inter_x.size; x++, ++xs.x) {
909  ret += wx[x] * wy[y] * a_(xs);
910  }
911  }
912  return vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<value_type>::cast(ret);
913  }
936  template <class ITERATOR, class ALPHAITERATOR, class ALPHAACCESSOR>
937  bool operator()(ITERATOR const & i, std::pair<ALPHAITERATOR, ALPHAACCESSOR> const & alpha,
938  float x, float y, value_type & result) const
939  {
940  int ix = int(x);
941  int iy = int(y);
942  float dx = x - ix;
943  float dy = y - iy;
944  double wx[INTERPOLATOR::size];
945  double wy[INTERPOLATOR::size];
947  // promote value_type for multiplication
948  typename vigra::NumericTraits<value_type>::RealPromote
949  ret (vigra::NumericTraits<value_type>::zero());
951  // calculate interpolation coefficients
952  inter_x.calc_coeff(dx, wx);
953  inter_y.calc_coeff(dy, wy);
955  ITERATOR ys(i + vigra::Diff2D(ix - inter_x.size/2 + 1,
956  iy - inter_y.size/2 + 1));
957  ALPHAITERATOR ays(alpha.first + vigra::Diff2D(ix - inter_x.size/2 + 1,
958  iy - inter_y.size/2 + 1));
959  for(int y = 0; y < inter_y.size; ++y, ++ys.y, ++ays.y) {
960  ITERATOR xs(ys);
961  ALPHAITERATOR axs(ays);
962  for(int x = 0; x < inter_x.size; x++, ++xs.x, ++axs.x) {
963  if (alpha.second(axs) <= 0 ) {
964  return false;
965  }
966  ret += wx[x] * wy[y] * a_(xs);
967  }
968  }
969  result = vigra::detail::RequiresExplicitCast<value_type>::cast(ret);
970  return true;
971  }
974 private:
975  ACCESSOR a_;
976  INTERPOLATOR inter_x, inter_y;
977 };
979 } // namespace
bool operator()(double x, double y, PixelType &result, MaskType &mask) const
Interpolate without mask, but return dummy alpha value nevertheless.
static const int size
ImageMaskInterpolator(SrcImageIterator src_upperleft, SrcImageIterator src_lowerright, SrcAccessor sa, MaskIterator mask_upperleft, MaskAccessor ma, INTERPOLATOR &inter, bool warparound)
Construct interpolator for specific image.
static double sinc(double x)
Definition: Interpolators.h:50
value_type operator()(ITERATOR const &i, float x, float y) const
Interpolate the data item at a non-integer position x, y.
vigra::NumericTraits< PixelType >::RealPromote RealPixelType
void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream &oss) const
simple bilinear interpolation
misc math function &amp; classes used by other parts of the program
static const double A(-0.75)
VALUETYPE value_type
the iterators&#39; pixel type
void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream &oss) const
void calc_coeff(double x, double *w) const
void calc_coeff(double x, double *w) const
calculate weights for given offset x.
void calc_coeff(double x, double *w) const
initialize weights for given offset x
InterpolatingAccessor(ACCESSOR a, INTERPOLATOR inter)
init from given accessor
static double cubic01(double x)
Definition: Interpolators.h:65
bool interpolateNoMaskInside(int srcx, int srcy, double dx, double dy, PixelType &result) const
Interpolate without boundary check and mask.
&quot;wrapper&quot; for efficient interpolation access to an image
void calc_coeff(double x, double *w) const
initialize weights for given x
void calc_coeff(double x, double *w) const
interpolation at non-integer positions.
SrcAccessor::value_type PixelType
bool interpolateInside(int srcx, int srcy, double dx, double dy, PixelType &result, MaskType &mask) const
Interpolate without boundary check.
cubic interpolation
sinc interpolation, with variable width
ImageMaskInterpolator(vigra::triple< SrcImageIterator, SrcImageIterator, SrcAccessor > const &src, std::pair< MaskIterator, MaskAccessor > mask, INTERPOLATOR &inter, bool warparound)
Construct interpolator for an given image.
spline16 interpolation
SrcAccessor::value_type PixelType
bool operator()(double x, double y, PixelType &result, MaskType &mask) const
Interpolate the data item at a non-integer position x, y.
spline36 interpolation
void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream &oss) const
void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream &oss) const
void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream &oss) const
several classes to calculate interpolator weights,
Definition: Interpolators.h:96
bool operator()(ITERATOR const &i, std::pair< ALPHAITERATOR, ALPHAACCESSOR > const &alpha, float x, float y, value_type &result) const
Interpolate the data item at a non-integer position x, y.
void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream &oss) const
bool operator()(double x, double y, PixelType &result) const
Interpolate without mask.
void calc_coeff(double x, double *w) const
initialize weights for given x
static const int size
spline64 interpolation
void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream &oss) const
void emitGLSL(std::ostringstream &oss) const
&quot;wrapper&quot; for efficient interpolation access to an image
static double cubic12(double x)
Definition: Interpolators.h:71
static const int size
enum with all interpolation methods
Definition: Interpolators.h:78
#define M_PI
Definition: GaborFilter.cpp:34
ImageInterpolator(SrcImageIterator src_upperleft, SrcImageIterator src_lowerright, SrcAccessor sa, INTERPOLATOR &inter, bool warparound)
Construct interpolator for specific image.
void calc_coeff(double x, double *w) const
initialize weights for given offset x
static const int size
Definition: Interpolators.h:99
vigra::NumericTraits< PixelType >::RealPromote RealPixelType
MaskAccessor::value_type MaskType
ImageInterpolator(vigra::triple< SrcImageIterator, SrcImageIterator, SrcAccessor > const &src, INTERPOLATOR &inter, bool warparound)
Construct interpolator for an given image.