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21 #ifndef KHAN_H_
22 #define KHAN_H_
24 #include "deghosting.h"
25 // for AlgTinyVector, NormalizeFunctor and LogarithmFunctor
26 #include "support.h"
27 #include "algtinyvector.h"
29 // needed for RGB2Lab
30 #include <vigra/imageinfo.hxx>
31 #include <vigra/transformimage.hxx>
32 #include <vigra/colorconversions.hxx>
34 // for resampleImage
35 #include <vigra/resizeimage.hxx>
37 // for RGBvalue used in hat function
38 #include <vigra/rgbvalue.hxx>
39 // for importImage und importImageAlpha
40 #include <vigra_ext/impexalpha.hxx>
42 // needed for Kh()
43 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846
45 // number of pixels to look at in all directions
46 // ie. 1 for neighbourhood of size 3x3, 2 for 5x5 etc.
47 #define NEIGHB_DIST 1
49 #if defined _WIN32
50  #define snprintf _snprintf
51 #endif
52 // define for use atan based kernel function
53 // leave undefined for gaussian normal distribution function
54 //#define ATAN_KH
56 namespace deghosting
57 {
58  template <class PixelType>
59  class ImageTypes {
60  public:
61  typedef vigra::FImage ImageType;
62  typedef std::shared_ptr<ImageType> ImagePtr;
63  typedef vigra::BasicImage<float> ProcessImageType;
64  typedef std::shared_ptr<ProcessImageType> ProcessImageTypePtr;
65  };
67  template <class PixelType>
68  class ImageTypes<vigra::RGBValue<PixelType> > {
69  public:
70  typedef vigra::FRGBImage ImageType;
71  typedef std::shared_ptr<ImageType> ImagePtr;
72  typedef vigra::BasicImage<vigra::AlgTinyVector<float, 3> > ProcessImageType;
73  typedef std::shared_ptr<ProcessImageType> ProcessImageTypePtr;
74  };
76  template <class PixelType>
77  class Khan : public Deghosting, private ImageTypes<PixelType>
78  {
79  public:
80  Khan(std::vector<std::string>& inputFiles, const uint16_t flags, const uint16_t debugFlags, int iterations, double sigma, int verbosity);
81  virtual std::vector<FImagePtr> createWeightMasks() override;
82  ~Khan() {}
83  protected:
89  typedef typename vigra::NumericTraits<PixelType>::isScalar srcIsScalar;
91  // Kh() things
92  // (2*pi)^(1/2)
93  double PIPOW;
94  // 1/Kh denominator
95  double denom;
96  // sigma in gauusian density function
97  double sigma;
99  // other necessary stuff
100  std::vector<ProcessImageTypePtr> processImages;
101  std::vector<FImagePtr> weights;
106  void setSigma(double sigma);
112  //void linearizeRGB(std::string, FRGBImage* pInputImg);
117  inline float Kh(ProcessImagePixelType x);
123  void convertImage(ImageType * in, ProcessImageTypePtr & out, vigra::VigraFalseType);
124  void convertImage(ImageType * in, ProcessImageTypePtr & out, vigra::VigraTrueType);
128  void importRGBImage(vigra::ImageImportInfo & info, ImageType * img, vigra::VigraFalseType);
129  void importRGBImage(vigra::ImageImportInfo & info, ImageType * img, vigra::VigraTrueType);
135  void preprocessImage(unsigned int i, FImagePtr &weight, ProcessImageTypePtr &output);
136  };
138  template <class PixelType>
139  Khan<PixelType>::Khan(std::vector<std::string>& newInputFiles, const uint16_t newFlags, const uint16_t newDebugFlags,
140  int newIterations, double newSigma, int newVerbosity) {
141  try {
142  Deghosting::loadImages(newInputFiles);
143  Deghosting::setFlags(newFlags);
144  Deghosting::setDebugFlags(newDebugFlags);
145  Deghosting::setIterationNum(newIterations);
146  Deghosting::setVerbosity(newVerbosity);
148  // I don't know why, but sigma for HDR input have to approximately 10 times smaller
149  // FIXME: Maybe it would be better to use different sigma for different images in case both HDR and LDR are mixed
150  const char * fileType= vigra::ImageImportInfo(newInputFiles[0].c_str()).getFileType();
151  if ( (!strcmp(fileType,"TIFF") && strcmp(fileType,"UINT8")) || !strcmp(fileType,"EXR") || !strcmp(fileType,"FLOAT")) {
152  setSigma(newSigma/10);
153  } else {
154  setSigma(newSigma);
155  }
157  for (unsigned int i=0; i<5; i++)
158  Deghosting::response.push_back(0);
159  PIPOW = sigma*std::sqrt(2*PI);
160  denom = 1/PIPOW;
161  } catch (...) {
162  throw;
163  }
164  }
166  template <class PixelType>
167  void Khan<PixelType>::setSigma(double newSigma) {
168  sigma = newSigma;
169  }
171  template <class PixelType>
173  #ifdef ATAN_KH
174  // good choice for sigma for this function is around 600
175  return std::atan(-(x*x)+sigma)/PI + 0.5;
176  #else
177  // good choice for sigma for this function is around 30
178  return (std::exp(-(x*x)/(2*sigma*sigma)) * denom);
179  #endif
180  }
182  /*void Khan::linearizeRGB(std::string inputFile,FRGBImage *pInputImg) {
183  HuginBase::SrcPanoImage panoImg(inputFile);
184  panoImg.setResponseType(HuginBase::SrcPanoImage::RESPONSE_EMOR);
185  panoImg.setEMoRParams(response);
186  // response transform functor
187  HuginBase::Photometric::InvResponseTransform<RGBValue<float>,
188  RGBValue<float> > invResponse(panoImg);
189  invResponse.enforceMonotonicity();
191  // iterator to the upper left corner
192  FRGBImage::traverser imgIterSourceY = pInputImg->upperLeft();
193  // iterator to he lower right corner
194  FRGBImage::traverser imgIterEnd = pInputImg->lowerRight();
195  // iterator to the output
196  FRGBImage::traverser imgIterOut = pInputImg->upperLeft();
197  // loop through the image
198  for (int y=1; imgIterSourceY.y != imgIterEnd.y; ++imgIterSourceY.y, ++imgIterOut.y, ++y) {
199  // iterator to the input
200  FRGBImage::traverser sx = imgIterSourceY;
201  // iterator to the output
202  FRGBImage::traverser dx = imgIterOut;
203  for (int x=1; sx.x != imgIterEnd.x; ++sx.x, ++dx.x, ++x) {
204  // transform image using response
205  *dx = vigra_ext::zeroNegative(invResponse(*sx, hugin_utils::FDiff2D(x, y)));
206  }
207  }
208  }*/
210  // RGB
211  template <class PixelType>
212  void Khan<PixelType>::convertImage(ImageType * in, ProcessImageTypePtr & out, vigra::VigraFalseType) {
213  vigra::RGB2LabFunctor<float> RGB2Lab;
215  }
217  // grayscale
218  template <class PixelType>
219  void Khan<PixelType>::convertImage(ImageType* in, ProcessImageTypePtr& out, vigra::VigraTrueType) {
221  }
223  // load image and convert it to grayscale
224  template <class PixelType>
225  void Khan<PixelType>::importRGBImage(vigra::ImageImportInfo & info, ImageType * img, vigra::VigraTrueType) {
226  // NOTE: I guess this is not optimal, but it works
227  vigra::RGBToGrayAccessor<vigra::FRGBImage::PixelType> color2gray;
228  vigra::FRGBImage tmpImg(getOutputROI().size());
229  vigra::Point2D offset = vigra::Point2D(info.getPosition());
230  offset -= getOutputROI().upperLeft();
231  if (info.numBands() == 4) {
232  vigra::BImage imgAlpha(tmpImg.size());
233  vigra::importImageAlpha(info, destImage(tmpImg, offset), destImage(imgAlpha, offset));
234  } else {
235  vigra::importImage(info, destImage(tmpImg, offset));
236  }
237  vigra::transformImage(vigra::srcImageRange(tmpImg, color2gray), vigra::destImage(*img), log(vigra::functor::Arg1() + vigra::functor::Param(1.0f)));
238  }
240  // only load image
241  template <class PixelType>
242  void Khan<PixelType>::importRGBImage(vigra::ImageImportInfo & info, ImageType * img, vigra::VigraFalseType) {
243  vigra::Point2D offset = vigra::Point2D(info.getPosition());
244  offset -= getOutputROI().upperLeft();
245  if (info.numBands() == 4) {
246  vigra::BImage imgAlpha(img->size());
247  vigra::importImageAlpha(info, destImage(*img, offset), destImage(imgAlpha, offset));
248  } else {
249  vigra::importImage(info, destImage(*img, offset));
250  }
251  }
253  template <class PixelType>
254  void Khan<PixelType>::preprocessImage(unsigned int i, FImagePtr &weight, ProcessImageTypePtr &output) {
255  vigra::ImageImportInfo imgInfo(inputFiles[i]);
256  ImageType * pInputImg = new ImageType(getOutputROI().size());
257  weight = FImagePtr(new vigra::FImage(getOutputROI().size()));
258  output = ProcessImageTypePtr(new ProcessImageType(getOutputROI().size()));
260  // import image
261  // NOTE: Maybe alpha can be of some use but I don't
262  // know about any now
263  if (imgInfo.isColor()) {
264  importRGBImage(imgInfo, pInputImg, srcIsScalar());
265  } else {
266  importImage(imgInfo, destImage(*pInputImg));
267  }
269  // linearize RGB and convert it to L*a*b image
270  //linearizeRGB(inputFiles[i], pInputImg);
272  // take logarithm or gamma correction if the input images are HDR
273  // I'm not sure if it's the right way how to
274  // find out if they are HDR
275  const char * fileType= imgInfo.getFileType();
276  if ( (!strcmp(fileType,"TIFF") && strcmp(fileType,"UINT8")) || !strcmp(fileType,"EXR") || !strcmp(fileType,"FLOAT")) {
277  // use gamma 2.2
278  if (flags & ADV_GAMMA) {
279  // GammaFunctor is only in vigra 1.6 GRRR
280  // I have to use BrightnessContrastFunctor
281  // TODO: change to the GammaFunctor in the future
282  vigra::FindMinMax<float> minmax;
283  vigra::inspectImage(vigra::srcImageRange(*pInputImg), minmax);
284  vigra::transformImage(vigra::srcImageRange(*pInputImg), vigra::destImage(*pInputImg), vigra::BrightnessContrastFunctor<PixelType>(0.45f, 1.0, minmax.min, minmax.max));
285  } else {
286  // take logarithm
288  }
289  }
291  // generate initial weights
294  convertImage(pInputImg, output, srcIsScalar());
296  delete pInputImg;
297  pInputImg = 0;
298  }
300  template <class PixelType>
301  std::vector<FImagePtr> Khan<PixelType>::createWeightMasks() {
302  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inputFiles.size(); i++) {
303  FImagePtr weight;
304  ProcessImageTypePtr processImage;
305  preprocessImage(i, weight, processImage);
306  processImages.push_back(processImage);
307  weights.push_back(weight);
309  // save init weights
311  char tmpfn[100];
312  snprintf(tmpfn, 99, "init_weights_%u.tiff", i);
313  vigra::ImageExportInfo exWeights(tmpfn);
314  vigra::exportImage(vigra::srcImageRange(*weight), exWeights.setPixelType("UINT8"));
315  }
316  }
318  float maxWeight = 0;
319  // image size
320  const int origWidth = weights[0]->width();
321  const int origHeight = weights[0]->height();
323  // if we doing scaling, we have to backup L*a*b images of original size
324  std::vector<ProcessImageTypePtr> backupLab;
325  if (flags & ADV_MULTIRES) {
326  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < processImages.size(); i++) {
327  // backup original size L*a*b
328  backupLab.push_back(processImages[i]);
329  }
330  }
332  if (verbosity > 0)
333  std::cout << "Running khan algorithm" << std::endl;
334  // and we can run khan algorithm
335  // khan iteration
336  for (int it = 0; it < iterations; it++) {
337  if (verbosity > 0)
338  std::cout << "iteration " << it+1 << std::endl;
339  // copy weights from previous iteration
340  if (verbosity > 1)
341  std::cout << "copying weights from previous iteration" << std::endl;
343  std::vector<FImagePtr> prevWeights;
344  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++) {
345  // scale weights to the requied size
346  if (flags & ADV_MULTIRES) {
347  // it would be better to use resampleImage, but it seems to be present only in VIGRA 1.6
348  // so let's use some of the resizeImageINTERPOLATION() functions
350  // compute width
351  int resized_width = origWidth / ( iterations/(it+1) );
352  //compute height
353  int resized_height = origHeight / ( iterations/(it+1) );
354  // destination images
355  vigra::FImage resizedWeight;
356  ProcessImageType resizedLab;
357  // it's not worthy to scale to less than 100px per side
358  if (resized_width > 100 && resized_height > 100) {
359  // create destination image of desired size
360  resizedWeight = vigra::FImage(vigra::Size2D(resized_width,resized_height));
361  resizedLab = ProcessImageType(vigra::Size2D(resized_width, resized_height));
362  } else if (origWidth >= 100 && origHeight >= 100) {
363  // resize it to the smallest value (ie 100px for the shorter side)
364  if (origWidth >= origHeight) {
365  resizedWeight = vigra::FImage(vigra::Size2D(100 * origWidth / origHeight, 100));
366  resizedLab = ProcessImageType(vigra::Size2D(100 * origWidth / origHeight, 100));
367  } else {
368  resizedWeight = vigra::FImage(vigra::Size2D(100, 100 * origHeight / origWidth));
369  resizedLab = ProcessImageType(vigra::Size2D(100, 100 * origHeight / origWidth));
370  }
371  } else {
372  // don't scale at all
373  // just copy weights as if no scaling seting was applied
374  goto DONTSCALE;
375  }
377  // No interpolation – only for testing
378  resizeImageNoInterpolation(srcImageRange(*weights[i]), destImageRange(resizedWeight));
379  resizeImageNoInterpolation(srcImageRange(*backupLab[i]), destImageRange(resizedLab));
381  FImagePtr tmp(new vigra::FImage(resizedWeight));
382  prevWeights.push_back(tmp);
383  processImages[i] = ProcessImageTypePtr(new ProcessImageType(resizedLab));
384  weights[i] = FImagePtr(new vigra::FImage(resizedWeight));
385  } else {
387  FImagePtr tmp(new vigra::FImage(*weights[i]));
388  prevWeights.push_back(tmp);
389  }
390  }
392  // loop through all images
393  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < processImages.size(); i++) {
394  if (verbosity > 1)
395  std::cout << "processing image " << i+1 << std::endl;
397  // vector storing pixel data
399  // sums for eq. 6
400  double wpqssum = 0;
401  double wpqsKhsum = 0;
402  // image size
403  const int width = processImages[i]->width();
404  const int height = processImages[i]->height();
406  // iterator to the upper left corner
407  ProcessImageTraverser sy = processImages[i]->upperLeft();
408  // iterator to the lower right corner
409  ProcessImageTraverser send = processImages[i]->lowerRight();
410  // iterator to the weight image left corner
411  vigra::FImage::traverser wy = weights[i]->upperLeft();
412  // loop through the row
413  for (int y=0; sy.y != send.y; ++sy.y, ++wy.y, ++y) {
414  // iterator to the source (L*a*b image)
415  ProcessImageTraverser sx = sy;
416  // iterator to the weight
417  vigra::FImage::traverser wx = wy;
418  // loop over the pixels
419  for (int x=0; sx.x != send.x; ++sx.x, ++wx.x, ++x) {
420  if (verbosity > 2)
421  std::cout << "processing pixel (" << x+1 << "," << y+1 << ")" << std::endl;
422  // set pixel vector
423  X = *sx;
425  // loop through all layers
426  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < processImages.size(); j++) {
427  if (verbosity > 2)
428  std::cout << "processing layer " << j << std::endl;
430  // iterator to the neighbour
431  ProcessImageTraverser neighby = processImages[j]->upperLeft();
432  // iterator to the weight
433  vigra::FImage::traverser weighty = prevWeights[j]->upperLeft();
434  // pixel offset
435  int ndy = -NEIGHB_DIST;
436  // move them to the upper bound
437  // find the best upper bound
438  if (y-NEIGHB_DIST < 0) {
439  ndy = -y;
440  }
441  else {
442  neighby.y += y-NEIGHB_DIST;
443  weighty.y += y-NEIGHB_DIST;
444  }
446  // iterate through neighbourhoods y axis
447  int maxDisty = (height - y) > NEIGHB_DIST ? NEIGHB_DIST : (height - y-1);
448  for (; ndy <= maxDisty; ++neighby.y, ++weighty.y, ++ndy) {
449  ProcessImageTraverser neighbx = neighby;
450  vigra::FImage::traverser weightx = weighty;
451  // pixel offset
452  int ndx = -NEIGHB_DIST;
453  // move them to the upper bound
454  // find the best upper bound
455  if (x-NEIGHB_DIST < 0) {
456  ndx = -x;
457  }
458  else {
459  neighbx.x += x-NEIGHB_DIST;
460  weightx.x += x-NEIGHB_DIST;
461  }
462  // iterate through neighbourhoods x axis
463  int maxDistx = (width - x) > NEIGHB_DIST ? NEIGHB_DIST : (width - x-1);
464  for (; ndx <= maxDistx; ++neighbx.x, ++weightx.x, ++ndx) {
465  if (verbosity > 3)
466  std::cout << "(" << ndx << "," << ndy << ")";
467  // now we can construct pixel vector
468  // should omit the middle pixel, ie use only neighbours
469  if (ndx != 0 || ndy != 0) {
470  wpqsKhsum += (*weightx * Kh(X-(*neighbx)));
471  wpqssum += *weightx;
472  }
474  maxDistx = (width - x) > NEIGHB_DIST ? NEIGHB_DIST : (width - x-1);
475  }
476  if (verbosity > 3)
477  std::cout << std::endl;
479  maxDisty = (height - y) > NEIGHB_DIST ? NEIGHB_DIST : (height - y-1);
480  }
481  }
483  if (verbosity > 2)
484  std::cout << "computing new weight" << std::endl;
485  // compute probability and set weight
486  //std::cout << "P=" << (float) wpqsKhsum/wpqssum << std::endl;
487  if (wpqssum > 0)
488  {
489  if (flags & ADV_ONLYP)
490  *wx = (float)wpqsKhsum / wpqssum;
491  else
492  *wx *= (float)wpqsKhsum / wpqssum;
493  if (maxWeight < *wx)
494  maxWeight = *wx;
495  };
496  wpqsKhsum = wpqssum = 0;
498  }
499  }
500  }
501  }
503  if (verbosity > 1)
504  std::cout << "normalizing weights" << std::endl;
505  double factor = 255.0f/maxWeight;
506  for (unsigned int i=0; i<weights.size(); ++i) {
507  transformImage(srcImageRange(*(weights[i])), destImage(*(weights[i])), NormalizeFunctor<float>(factor));
508  }
509  return weights;
510  }
511 }
513 #endif /* KHAN_H_ */
const uint16_t ADV_MULTIRES
Definition: deghosting.h:53
std::vector< ProcessImageTypePtr > processImages
Definition: khan.h:100
ImageTypes< PixelType >::ProcessImageType::PixelType ProcessImagePixelType
Definition: khan.h:87
ImageTypes< PixelType >::ProcessImageTypePtr ProcessImageTypePtr
Definition: khan.h:88
void transformImage(vigra::triple< SrcImageIterator, SrcImageIterator, SrcAccessor > src, vigra::triple< DestImageIterator, DestImageIterator, DestAccessor > dest, std::pair< AlphaImageIterator, AlphaAccessor > alpha, vigra::Diff2D destUL, TRANSFORM &transform, PixelTransform &pixelTransform, bool warparound, Interpolator interpol, AppBase::ProgressDisplay *progress, bool singleThreaded=false)
Transform an image into the panorama.
virtual void setVerbosity(int verbosity)
set verbosity level
Definition: deghosting.cpp:59
ImageTypes< PixelType >::ProcessImageType::traverser ProcessImageTraverser
Definition: khan.h:86
virtual void setDebugFlags(const uint16_t debugFlags)
set flags for debugging purposes
Definition: deghosting.cpp:47
double X
void convertImage(ImageType *in, ProcessImageTypePtr &out, vigra::VigraFalseType)
convert image for internal use if input image is RGB then convert it to L*a*b if input image is grays...
Definition: khan.h:212
virtual void loadImages(std::vector< std::string > &inputFiles)
load images for processing
Definition: deghosting.cpp:25
double sigma
Definition: khan.h:97
double denom
Definition: khan.h:95
Logarithm functor.
Definition: support.h:36
vigra::BasicImage< float > ProcessImageType
Definition: khan.h:63
std::shared_ptr< ImageType > ImagePtr
Definition: khan.h:62
vigra::FImage ImageType
Definition: khan.h:61
#define PI
Header file for Khan&#39;s deghosting algorithm Copyright (C) 2009 Lukáš Jirkovský l...
Definition: khan.h:43
virtual void setFlags(const uint16_t flags)
set advanced flags Allows to change behavior of used algorithm
Definition: deghosting.cpp:43
const uint16_t ADV_ONLYP
Definition: deghosting.h:52
static double sigma
ImageTypes< PixelType >::ImageType ImageType
Definition: khan.h:84
virtual std::vector< FImagePtr > createWeightMasks() override
create weight masks create weight masks for masking out ghosting regions
Definition: khan.h:301
std::shared_ptr< ProcessImageType > ProcessImageTypePtr
Definition: khan.h:73
std::shared_ptr< vigra::FImage > FImagePtr
Definition: deghosting.h:46
Definition: khan.h:47
vigra::FRGBImage ImageType
static int iterations
double PIPOW
Definition: khan.h:93
std::shared_ptr< ProcessImageType > ProcessImageTypePtr
Definition: khan.h:64
Fuctor to normalize values.
Definition: support.h:107
virtual void setIterationNum(const int iterations)
set number of iterations
Definition: deghosting.cpp:51
static int verbosity
vigra::pair< typename ROIImage< Image, Alpha >::image_traverser, typename ROIImage< Image, Alpha >::ImageAccessor > destImage(ROIImage< Image, Alpha > &img)
Definition: ROIImage.h:324
vigra::triple< typename ROIImage< Image, Mask >::image_const_traverser, typename ROIImage< Image, Mask >::image_const_traverser, typename ROIImage< Image, Mask >::ImageConstAccessor > srcImageRange(const ROIImage< Image, Mask > &img)
helper function for ROIImages
Definition: ROIImage.h:287
const uint16_t SAVE_INITWEIGHTS
Definition: deghosting.h:56
vigra::NumericTraits< PixelType >::isScalar srcIsScalar
Definition: khan.h:89
void importImageAlpha(const ImageImportInfo &import_info, ImageIterator image_iterator, ImageAccessor image_accessor, AlphaIterator alpha_iterator, AlphaAccessor alpha_accessor)
Read the image specified by the given vigra::ImageImportInfo object including its alpha channel...
Definition: impexalpha.hxx:479
vigra::RGBValue< T, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > log(vigra::RGBValue< T, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > const &v)
component-wise logarithm
Definition: utils.h:209
void importRGBImage(vigra::ImageImportInfo &info, ImageType *img, vigra::VigraFalseType)
import RGB image
Definition: khan.h:242
const uint16_t ADV_GAMMA
Definition: deghosting.h:51
Functor to apply mexican hat function returns very small values for input near to 0 or 255...
Definition: support.h:71
static uint16_t debugFlags
float Kh(ProcessImagePixelType x)
transform image using EMoR response
Definition: khan.h:172
void setSigma(double sigma)
set sigma sets sigma for gaussian weigting function
Definition: khan.h:167
std::shared_ptr< ImageType > ImagePtr
Definition: khan.h:71
vigra::triple< typename ROIImage< Image, Alpha >::image_traverser, typename ROIImage< Image, Alpha >::image_traverser, typename ROIImage< Image, Alpha >::ImageAccessor > destImageRange(ROIImage< Image, Alpha > &img)
Definition: ROIImage.h:312
Khan(std::vector< std::string > &inputFiles, const uint16_t flags, const uint16_t debugFlags, int iterations, double sigma, int verbosity)
Definition: khan.h:139
void copyImage(SrcImageIterator src_upperleft, SrcImageIterator src_lowerright, SrcAccessor src_acc, DestImageIterator dest_upperleft, DestAccessor dest_acc)
Definition: openmp_vigra.h:305
static void info(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: svm.cpp:95
vigra::BasicImage< vigra::AlgTinyVector< float, 3 > > ProcessImageType
Definition: khan.h:72
std::vector< FImagePtr > weights
Definition: khan.h:101
ImageTypes< PixelType >::ProcessImageType ProcessImageType
Definition: khan.h:85
static uint16_t flags
std::vector< vigra::ImageImportInfo > inputFiles
Definition: deghosting.h:104
void preprocessImage(unsigned int i, FImagePtr &weight, ProcessImageTypePtr &output)
function to preprocess input image This function loads image, linearize it using EMoR (FIXME)...
Definition: khan.h:254