34 #include "wx/docview.h"
37 #error wxWidgets needs to be compiled with help support (wxUSE_HELP not set)
68 bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
const wxArrayString& filenames);
125 void RunAssistant(wxWindow* mainWin,
const wxString& userdefinedAssistant=wxEmptyString);
130 void MacOnOpenFile(
const wxString & filename);
158 void DisplayHelp(wxString section = wxEmptyString);
204 void OnExit(wxCloseEvent & e);
206 void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent & e);
207 void OnHelp(wxCommandEvent & e);
209 void OnFAQ(wxCommandEvent & e);
212 void OnPythonScript(wxCommandEvent & e);
213 void OnPlugin(wxCommandEvent& e);
215 void OnUndo(wxCommandEvent & e);
216 void OnRedo(wxCommandEvent & e);
239 void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &e);
242 void AddImages(wxArrayString& filenameArray);
296 std::map<int, wxFileName> m_plugins;
306 #endif // _MAINFRAME_H
void DisplayHelp(wxString section=wxEmptyString)
call help browser with given file
void OnShowCPFrame(wxCommandEvent &e)
OptimizePanel * opt_panel
const bool GetOptimizeOnlyActiveImages() const
void updateProgressDisplay()
receive notification about progress.
std::map< int, wxString > m_userOutput
declaration of helper for work with different GuiLevels
void SetGuiLevel(GuiLevel newLevel)
void OnRemoveCPinMasks(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnUserQuit(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnRunAssistant(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnApplyTemplate(wxCommandEvent &e)
The OpenGL preview frame.
void AddImages(wxArrayString &filenameArray)
adds the given files to the projects, with checking for invalid filenames
void ShowStitcherTab()
opens the stitcher tab
const bool GetOptimizeIgnoreLineCp() const
void OnToggleGLPreviewFrame(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnRedo(wxCommandEvent &e)
GLPreviewFrame * gl_preview_frame
ImagesPanel * images_panel
bool m_show_opt_photo_panel
void OnUndo(wxCommandEvent &e)
wxMenuItem * m_assistantUserMenu
struct celeste::svm_model * svmModel
control point editor panel.
OptimizePhotometricPanel * opt_photo_panel
const wxString GetSelectedCPGenerator()
return the currently selected cp generator description
void RunAssistant(wxWindow *mainWin, const wxString &userdefinedAssistant=wxEmptyString)
void OnUserDefinedStitch(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnSavePTStitcherAs(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnExit(wxCloseEvent &e)
void OnTipOfDay(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnSendToBatch(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnMergeProject(wxCommandEvent &e)
void SetOptimizeOnlyActiveImages(const bool onlyActive)
sets the status of the "optimize only active images" menu item
void OnPhotometricOptimize(wxCommandEvent &e)
simple class that forward the drop to the mainframe
wxHelpController & GetHelpController()
void OnSendToAssistantQueue(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnLoadingFailed(wxCommandEvent &e)
event handler called when loading of image file failed
static MainFrame * m_this
wxMenuItem * m_outputUserMenu
void OnUserDefinedStitchSaved(wxCommandEvent &e)
std::set< unsigned int > UIntSet
void OnSetGuiAdvanced(wxCommandEvent &e)
void ShowCtrlPoint(unsigned int cpNr)
wxHelpController m_HelpController
wxMenu * m_menu_file_simple
void LoadProjectFile(const wxString &filename)
HuginBase::Panorama & pano
void OnFineTuneAll(wxCommandEvent &e)
const wxString & GetDataPath()
get the path to data directory
class, which stores all settings of one cp detector
void OnKeyboardHelp(wxCommandEvent &e)
static MainFrame * Get()
hack.. kind of a pseudo singleton...
void OnIgnoreLineCp(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnMRUFiles(wxCommandEvent &e)
event handler for recently used files
void OnFAQ(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnCPListFrameClosed()
void DisableOpenGLTools()
disables all OpenGL related menu items and toobar buttons
void OnAddImages(wxCommandEvent &e)
PanoDropTarget(HuginBase::Panorama &p, bool imageOnly=false)
void panoramaImagesChanged(HuginBase::Panorama &pano, const HuginBase::UIntSet &imgNr)
notifies about changes to images
wxString GetCurrentOptimizerString()
returns the string which describes the current selected optimizer setting
void OnTogglePreviewFrame(wxCommandEvent &e)
virtual ~MainFrame()
void SetOptimizeIgnoreLineCp(const bool ignoreLineCP)
sets the status of the "ignore line cp" menu item
const wxString & GetXRCPath()
get the path to the xrc directory
void ShowMaskEditor(size_t imgNr, bool switchToCropMode=false)
opens the mask/crop editor with the given image selected
void OnBrowseProjects(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnLoadProject(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnOptimize(wxCommandEvent &e)
wxMenu * m_menu_file_advanced
void OnSaveProjectAs(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnSaveProject(wxCommandEvent &e)
void RunCPGenerator(CPDetectorSetting &setting, const HuginBase::UIntSet &img)
run the cp generator with the given setting on selected images
bool CloseProject(bool cancelable, CloseReason reason)
void OnShowPanel(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnDoStitch(wxCommandEvent &e)
struct celeste::svm_model * GetSVMModel()
const GuiLevel GetGuiLevel() const
void OnHelp(wxCommandEvent &e)
this handler class will receive change events from the Panorama.
GLPreviewFrame * getGLPreview()
void OnRunAssistantUserdefined(wxCommandEvent &e)
void ShowCtrlPointEditor(unsigned int img1, unsigned int img2)
opens the control points tab with the both images selected
HuginBase::Panorama & pano
MainFrame(wxWindow *parent, HuginBase::Panorama &pano)
bool m_optOnlyActiveImages
void OnOnlyActiveImages(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnNewProject(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnSetGuiSimple(wxCommandEvent &e)
wxFileHistory * GetFileHistory()
void OnOpenPTBatcher(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnShowPrefs(wxCommandEvent &e)
Define the pano edit panel.
void OnFullScreen(wxCommandEvent &e)
event handler for full screen
MaskEditorPanel * mask_panel
const HuginBase::Panorama & getPanorama()
returns panorama object
void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent &e)
CPDetectorSetting & GetDefaultSetting()
returns default cp detector setting
virtual void panoramaChanged(HuginBase::Panorama &pano)
Enable or disable undo and redo.
void OnAddTimeImages(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &e)
wxString getProjectName()
bool IsShowingCorrelation() const
PreviewFrame * preview_frame
bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString &filenames)
file drag and drop handler method
std::map< int, wxString > m_userAssistant
void OnSetGuiExpert(wxCommandEvent &e)
void OnReadPapywizard(wxCommandEvent &e)
void enableTools(bool option)