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hugin Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for hugin:


file  AboutDialog.cpp [code]
 Definition of about dialog.
file  AboutDialog.h [code]
 Definition of dialog for numeric transforms.
file  BrowseDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of dialog to browse directory with pto files
file  BrowseDialog.h [code]
 Definition of dialog to browse directory with pto files.
file  ChangeImageVariableDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of dialog to edit image variables by parsing an expression
file  ChangeImageVariableDialog.h [code]
 Definition of dialog to edit image variables by parsing an expression.
file  ChoosyRemapper.cpp [code]
file  ChoosyRemapper.h [code]
file  config_defaults.h [code]
file  CPDetectorDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of CPDetectorDialog class, which allows changing options of CP detectors
file  CPDetectorDialog.h [code]
 declaration of CPDetectorDialog class, which are for storing and changing settings of different autopano generator
file  CPEditorPanel.cpp [code]
 implementation of CPEditorPanel Class
file  CPEditorPanel.h [code]
file  CPImageCtrl.cpp [code]
 implementation of CPImageCtrl Class
file  CPImageCtrl.h [code]
file  CPImagesComboBox.cpp [code]
 Implementation of CPImagesComboBox and CPImagesComboBoxXmlHandler class.
file  CPImagesComboBox.h [code]
 Definition of CPImagesComboBox and CPImagesComboBoxXmlHandler class.
file  CPListFrame.cpp [code]
 implementation of CPListFrame Class
file  CPListFrame.h [code]
file  DragTool.cpp [code]
file  DragTool.h [code]
file  EditOutputIniDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of dialog for editing user-defined output ini file
file  EditOutputIniDialog.h [code]
 Definition of dialog for editing user-defined output ini file.
file  GenerateThumbnail.cpp [code]
file  GenerateThumbnail.h [code]
 generate thumbnail from given pto file
file  GLPreviewFrame.cpp [code]
 implementation of GLPreviewFrame Class
file  GLPreviewFrame.h [code]
file  GLRenderer.cpp [code]
file  GLRenderer.h [code]
file  GLViewer.cpp [code]
file  GLViewer.h [code]
file  GreatCircles.cpp [code]
 Implement GreatCircles class.
file  GreatCircles.h [code]
 Declare GreatCircles class.
file  GuiLevel.cpp [code]
 definition of helper for GuiLevel
file  GuiLevel.h [code]
 declaration of helper for work with different GuiLevels
file  HDRMergeOptionDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of dialog for hdrmerge options
file  HDRMergeOptionDialog.h [code]
 Definition of dialog for hdrmerge options.
file  HtmlWindow.cpp [code]
 Implementation of HTMLWindow class which supports opening external links in default web browser.
file  HtmlWindow.h [code]
 Definition of HTMLWindow class which supports opening external links in default web browser.
file  huginApp.cpp [code]
 implementation of huginApp Class
file  huginApp.h [code]
file  ImagesPanel.cpp [code]
 implementation of ImagesPanel Class
file  ImagesPanel.h [code]
file  ImagesTree.cpp [code]
 implementation of images tree control
file  ImagesTree.h [code]
 declaration of main image tree control
file  ImageVariableDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of dialog to edit image variables
file  ImageVariableDialog.h [code]
 Definition of dialog to edit image variables.
file  LayoutRemapper.cpp [code]
 Implement LayoutRemapper, a remapper to use in the layout mode.
file  LayoutRemapper.h [code]
 Define a remapper to use in the layout mode.
file  LocalizedFileTipProvider.cpp [code]
 FileTipProvider that uses gettext to translate the tips.
file  LocalizedFileTipProvider.h [code]
file  MainFrame.cpp [code]
 implementation of MainFrame Class
file  MainFrame.h [code]
file  MaskEditorPanel.cpp [code]
 implementation of MaskEditorPanel Class
file  MaskEditorPanel.h [code]
file  MaskImageCtrl.cpp [code]
 implementation of MaskImageCtrl Class
file  MaskImageCtrl.h [code]
file  MaskLoadDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of mask load dialog
file  MaskLoadDialog.h [code]
 Definition of mask load dialog.
file  MeshManager.cpp [code]
file  MeshManager.h [code]
file  MeshRemapper.cpp [code]
file  MeshRemapper.h [code]
file  OptimizePanel.cpp [code]
 implementation of OptimizePanel
file  OptimizePanel.h [code]
file  OptimizePhotometricPanel.cpp [code]
 implementation of OptimizePhotometricPanel
file  OptimizePhotometricPanel.h [code]
file  OutputProjectionInfo.cpp [code]
file  OutputProjectionInfo.h [code]
file  OverviewCameraTool.cpp [code]
file  OverviewCameraTool.h [code]
file  OverviewOutlinesTool.cpp [code]
file  OverviewOutlinesTool.h [code]
file  PanoOperation.cpp [code]
 Implementation of PanoOperation class.
file  PanoOperation.h [code]
 Definition of PanoOperation class.
file  PanoOutputDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of PanoOutputDialog class
file  PanoOutputDialog.h [code]
 Definition of PanoOutputDialog class.
file  PanoPanel.cpp [code]
 implementation of PanoPanel Class
file  PanoPanel.h [code]
file  PanosphereSphereTool.cpp [code]
file  PanosphereSphereTool.h [code]
file  PapywizardImport.cpp [code]
 implementation of read settings from papywizard xml file
file  PapywizardImport.h [code]
 read settings from papywizard xml file
file  PluginItems.cpp [code]
 Reading python plugins metadata.
file  PluginItems.h [code]
 Reading python plugins metadata.
file  PreferencesDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of PreferencesDialog Class
file  PreferencesDialog.h [code]
file  PreviewCameraTool.cpp [code]
file  PreviewCameraTool.h [code]
file  PreviewColorPickerTool.cpp [code]
file  PreviewColorPickerTool.h [code]
file  PreviewControlPointTool.cpp [code]
file  PreviewControlPointTool.h [code]
file  PreviewCropTool.cpp [code]
file  PreviewCropTool.h [code]
file  PreviewDifferenceTool.cpp [code]
file  PreviewDifferenceTool.h [code]
file  PreviewEditCPTool.cpp [code]
 implementation of ToolHelper for editing control points in the pano space
file  PreviewEditCPTool.h [code]
 interface of ToolHelper for deleting control points in the pano space
file  PreviewFrame.cpp [code]
 implementation of PreviewFrame Class
file  PreviewFrame.h [code]
file  PreviewGuideTool.cpp [code]
 implementation of ToolHelper for drawing guide lines over pano
file  PreviewGuideTool.h [code]
 interface to ToolHelper for drawing guide lines over pano
file  PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp [code]
file  PreviewIdentifyTool.h [code]
file  PreviewLayoutLinesTool.cpp [code]
file  PreviewLayoutLinesTool.h [code]
file  PreviewPanel.cpp [code]
 implementation of PreviewPanel Class
file  PreviewPanel.h [code]
file  PreviewPanoMaskTool.cpp [code]
file  PreviewPanoMaskTool.h [code]
file  ProjectionGridTool.cpp [code]
file  ProjectionGridTool.h [code]
 implementation of PanosphereSphereTool Class
file  RawImport.cpp [code]
 implementation of dialog and functions to import RAW images to project file
file  RawImport.h [code]
 Definition of dialog and functions to import RAW images to project file.
file  ResetDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of ResetDialog class
file  ResetDialog.h [code]
 Definition of ResetDialog class.
file  SelectCropAspectRatioDialog.cpp [code]
 implementation of dialog for selecting and editing aspect ratios of crop
file  SelectCropAspectRatioDialog.h [code]
 Definition of dialog for selecting and editing aspect ratios of crop.
file  SplitButton.cpp [code]
 implementation of a SplitButton
file  SplitButton.h [code]
file  TexCoordRemapper.cpp [code]
file  TexCoordRemapper.h [code]
file  TextKillFocusHandler.cpp [code]
 implementation of TextKillFocusHandler Class
file  TextKillFocusHandler.h [code]
file  TextureManager.cpp [code]
file  TextureManager.h [code]
file  Tool.cpp [code]
file  Tool.h [code]
file  ToolHelper.cpp [code]
file  ToolHelper.h [code]
file  treelistctrl.cpp [code]
file  treelistctrl.h [code]
file  VertexCoordRemapper.cpp [code]
file  VertexCoordRemapper.h [code]
file  ViewState.cpp [code]
file  ViewState.h [code]

Detailed Description

Contains the code for Hugin GUI.