44 void OnOk(wxCommandEvent & e);
declaration of helper for work with different GuiLevels
destructor, save position
void OnHeightChanged(wxSpinEvent &e)
height changed
Dialog for setting output parameters for simple user interface.
include file for the hugin project
wxSpinCtrl * m_edit_height
void OnOk(wxCommandEvent &e)
Saves current state of all checkboxes when closing dialog with Ok.
HuginBase::Panorama & m_pano
HuginBase::PanoramaOptions GetNewPanoramaOptions()
std::vector< HuginBase::UIntSet > m_exposureLayers
wxSpinCtrl * m_edit_width
std::vector< HuginBase::UIntSet > m_stacks
include file for the hugin project
void OnHDRFormatChanged(wxCommandEvent &e)
HDR format changed.
HuginBase::PanoramaOptions m_newOpt
PanoOutputDialog(wxWindow *parent, HuginBase::Panorama &pano, GuiLevel guiLevel)
Constructor, read from xrc ressource; restore last uses settings, size and position.
void EnableOutputOptions()
void OnLDRFormatChanged(wxCommandEvent &e)
LDR format changed.
void OnWidthChanged(wxSpinEvent &e)
width changed
void OnOutputChanged(wxCommandEvent &e)
enabled Ok button and LDR/HDR format settings depeding on selected output settings ...