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1 // -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
24 #ifndef _PREVIEWTOOL_H
25 #define _PREVIEWTOOL_H
27 #include "base_wx/wxutils.h"
28 #include <wx/event.h>
30 #include "ToolHelper.h"
32 /* PreviewTool is an abstract base class for the interactive tools that work
33  * with the OpenGL accelerated preview. They can respond to the users actions
34  * over the preview, or changes in the panorama, and can draw extras above,
35  * below, or instead of the panorama images.
36  *
37  * The *Event functions are only called when the Tool requested a notification.
38  * Tools may do this through an instance of the PreviewToolHelper class which
39  * is passed by pointer on construction. When a tool is decativated, all the
40  * notifications it monitors are removed.
41  */
42 class Tool
43 {
44 public:
48  explicit Tool(ToolHelper *helper);
50  virtual ~Tool();
51  // Lots of stub functions here. Your tools should override a few of them.
59  virtual void Activate() = 0;
68  virtual void MouseMoveEvent(double x, double y, wxMouseEvent & e) {}
72  virtual void MouseButtonEvent(wxMouseEvent &e) {}
76  virtual void MouseWheelEvent(wxMouseEvent & e) {}
80  virtual void ImagesUnderMouseChangedEvent() {}
84  virtual void KeypressEvent(int keycode, int modifiers, bool pressed) {}
86  virtual void BeforeDrawImagesEvent() {}
88  virtual void AfterDrawImagesEvent() {}
90  virtual void ReallyAfterDrawImagesEvent() {}
98  virtual bool BeforeDrawImageEvent(unsigned int image) {return true;}
100  virtual void AfterDrawImageEvent(unsigned int image) {}
102  virtual void MarkDirty() {};
103 protected:
108 };
111 class PreviewTool : public Tool
112 {
113 public:
115  virtual ~PreviewTool();
117 };
119 class OverviewTool : public Tool
120 {
121 public:
124  virtual ~OverviewTool();
126 };
129 {
130 public:
133  virtual ~PanosphereOverviewTool();
136  virtual void BeforeDrawImagesBackEvent() {}
138  virtual void AfterDrawImagesBackEvent() {}
141  virtual void BeforeDrawImagesFrontEvent() {}
143  virtual void AfterDrawImagesFrontEvent() {}
145 };
148 {
149 public:
152  virtual ~PlaneOverviewTool();
154 };
157 #endif
virtual void AfterDrawImagesFrontEvent()
Draw using opengl anything after drawing the back face culled images.
Definition: Tool.h:143
virtual ~Tool()
Definition: Tool.cpp:34
virtual void MouseMoveEvent(double x, double y, wxMouseEvent &e)
Notify when the mouse pointer has moved over the panorama preview.
Definition: Tool.h:68
virtual ~PreviewTool()
Definition: Tool.cpp:38
virtual void Activate()=0
Switch on a tool.
virtual ~OverviewTool()
Definition: Tool.cpp:42
OverviewTool(OverviewToolHelper *helper)
Definition: Tool.cpp:40
virtual void AfterDrawImagesBackEvent()
Draw using opengl anything after drawing the front face culled images.
Definition: Tool.h:138
virtual ~PanosphereOverviewTool()
Definition: Tool.cpp:46
virtual ~PlaneOverviewTool()
Definition: Tool.cpp:50
virtual void ReallyAfterDrawImagesEvent()
Draw (using OpenGL) the overlays, e.g. crop highlights, guides.
Definition: Tool.h:90
virtual void AfterDrawImageEvent(unsigned int image)
Notification called just after the image was drawn normally.
Definition: Tool.h:100
virtual void ImagesUnderMouseChangedEvent()
Notify when the images directly underneath the mouse pointer have changed.
Definition: Tool.h:80
ToolHelper * helper
The PreviewToolHelper that uses the same preview window and panorama as the tool should.
Definition: Tool.h:102
virtual void MouseButtonEvent(wxMouseEvent &e)
Notify of a mouse button press on the panorama preview.
Definition: Tool.h:72
virtual void KeypressEvent(int keycode, int modifiers, bool pressed)
Notify of a Keypress event.
Definition: Tool.h:84
PlaneOverviewTool(PlaneOverviewToolHelper *helper)
Definition: Tool.cpp:48
Definition: Tool.h:42
virtual void MarkDirty()
Definition: Tool.h:102
virtual void BeforeDrawImagesBackEvent()
Draw using opengl anything before drawing the front face culled images.
Definition: Tool.h:136
virtual void MouseWheelEvent(wxMouseEvent &e)
Notify of a mouse wheel event on the panorama preview.
Definition: Tool.h:76
Tool(ToolHelper *helper)
Construct keeping a pointer to a PreviewToolHelper.
Definition: Tool.cpp:29
virtual void BeforeDrawImagesFrontEvent()
Draw using opengl anything before drawing the back face culled images.
Definition: Tool.h:141
virtual void AfterDrawImagesEvent()
Draw (using OpenGL) images above the others.
Definition: Tool.h:88
virtual void BeforeDrawImagesEvent()
Draw using OpenGL anything the tool requires underneath the images.
Definition: Tool.h:86
PreviewTool(PreviewToolHelper *helper)
Definition: Tool.cpp:36
virtual bool BeforeDrawImageEvent(unsigned int image)
Draw what the tool requires just before a given image is drawn.
Definition: Tool.h:98
PanosphereOverviewTool(PanosphereOverviewToolHelper *helper)
Definition: Tool.cpp:44